Chapter 2- The Next Element

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The voices raised over each other, trying to make their points. The Ninjas were arguing in the study room early in the morning.

"No, we can't!" Jay yelled.

"We don't even know who she is," Kai added.

"Well, we can't just kick her out," Cole confessed.

"Ask her then," Kai said.

"She won't speak!" Jay hit the table and stood up.

"Oh don't give me that look-" Kai stood up and pointed his finger at Jay's face.

"Oh yeah? What if she's one of Victor's people, here as a spy?" Jay raised his eyebrows to make a point.

"I don't work for Victor." The anonymous girl stood leaning against the edge of the door which the Ninjas had left open.

She wore a yellow full-sleeved high-neck and dark grey trousers. Her forehead was covered with dark brown— almost black— bangs and her hair were tied up into a ponytail, reaching the end of her back.

"See! She knows Victor!" Jay pointed at her with his other hand on the table.

"Yeah. I know Victor. But I don't work for him." She tossed the apple in the air that she had brought with her and walked into the room carelessly.

"Yeah what? You work with him?" Jay said, unamused.

"No, I don't."

"And how can we trust you?" Lloyd got up.

"I need help."

The room was silent and eyes stared at the new girl.

"Victor's after me."

"What? What do you mean he's after you?" Jay said, crossing his arm with confidence.

"After he figured he couldn't destroy Ninjago, he came up with a new plan. And for that plan to succeed, he needs me." The girl explained.

"Victor is in prison." Kai put his hands on his hips.

"I'm pretty sure the guy I just escaped was Victor."

All the Ninjas exchanged looks in confusion. Of course they were shocked. Right after the last incident occurred, the Ninjas were confident they personally locked Victor in Kryptarium.

"Wait, but how?" Nya slowly began to believe her words.

"If you put him in prison, then he escaped. And now he's back home." The girl crossed her arms.

"What?" The Ninjas began arguing and discussing with one another all at the same time.

"Wait, wait." Lloyd raised his finger to stop his friends. "It must've been when Harumi and my dad took over Kryptarium prison." Lloyd gasped. "The police didn't notice, maybe."

"Oh yeah!" Cole realized.

"Aw, come on! What's he up to now?" Jay groaned.

"And what do you mean he's home? Are you related?" Zane inquired.

"No. I'm from a different world."

"Wait, you live in a different realm?" Jay couldn't believe his ears.

"It's not a realm. It's a world." The girl corrected.

"Yeah, whatever." Jay rolled his eyes.

"I didn't actually need shelter, I came here because I need help. I've heard a lot about you guys in my world and thought you would be perfect to help me." She said desperately. "My world is in danger."

Ninjago: AbductionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz