Chapter 1: Intro/Background Info

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This chapter is just giving background info

Adelaide Frost was adopted by Andromeda and Ted Tonks when she was about 5 years old due to her mothers incarceration in Azkaban. Adelaide's father took her from Bellatrix and brought Adelaide to the Tonks' because he knew they were a better fit as a family. No one ever heard from Adelaide's father afterwards, it was assumed he had died, but no one knew for sure.

Adelaide had grown up with the Weasley twins and Adrian Pucey. She was around them constantly due to their parents all being good friends. It wasn't just the Weasley twins Adelaide was around. She always spent time with the whole Weasley family. There wasn't a summer she didn't spend a couple weeks at The Burrow. Not to mention all of the time she was there when they were home-schooled before Hogwarts. She had the most interactions with the twins and Ginny. She was the only girl who was ever around The Burrow constantly. Sure Bill and Charlie had their share of girlfriends and female friends that would come over, but Adelaide was there more than all of them combined. To Ginny she was like an older sister, and Adelaide didn't mind because all she had was an older foster sister, Nymphadora Tonks. Tonks and Adelaide got along quite well, but Tonks was a couple years older than Adelaide, so she felt she was too cool for Adelaide. When it came to school and afterschool activities, the two didn't always see eye to eye, but they had other unique things in common. Like Tonks, Adelaide was a metamorphagus, but it wasn't her hair that would change colors, it was her eyes. Tonks always seemed to embrace her gifts, but Adelaide hated them. She wished she could've been normal. She had already felt like an outcast enough, and having her eyes constantly change made her feel even more self conscious. Not to mention, she always struggled with controlling it. She never knew when to change her eye colors back. As she got older, she found it easier to tell when they changed or how to change them back, but as she matured, so did her powers. She had also learned that she was able to manipulate nature and produce wandless magic.

There were a few people who helped with her insecurties though. Those people were Fred and George Weasley, Adrian Pucey, and Lee Jordan. Those four were her closest friends after Cedric died. She had grown up with the Weasleys' and Pucey, so she had already been super close with them. She met Lee on her first day at Hogwarts not long after Cedric, and they clicked immediately. With Lee and Adelaide constantly being around the twins, it allowed them to get closer and grow a strong friendship.

It was really common to see Adelaide sitting under one of the columns at Hogwarts coming up with song lyrics, journaling, or writing stories. She loved anything to do with writing. Once the twins and Lee found out about Adelaide's love of song writing and music during their 3rd year, they suggested to start a band. Adelaide was hesitant at first, but with the boys constant nagging, she gave in. She felt it could be a good escape for herself from all of the constant stress and anxiety she was under. They decided to call the band The Mischeif's. The name was Fred and George's idea because of the Maurader's Map. Fred and Lee were on guitar, George was on drums, and Adelaide was lead vocals. However, she did play the guitar and keyboard sometimes.

It was always rumored that Fred Weasley had had feelings for Adelaide, but she just thought they were just rumors since she was with Cedric and Fred's constant line of girls. Next to Cedric, she cared about Fred the most. It was different with him. She was always worried about the way he would react to the things she did, and it wasn't like that with the other guys. She just had a different connection with Fred, and she was about to see how different that connection was.

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