Chapter 6

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I like it - BTS
Park Jimin POV:
  I drove away from that place because I couldn't see that see unfold. It hurt me a lot and I deserved it. I stopped at her place and out my head on the steering because I couldn't drive anymore.
"Jimin, it's her isn't it. Your first love the one you told that was back", I looked at Si-a who looked sad.
"I can't do this anymore Si-a. I can't put myself through this. This is not me", I said defeated.
"You said you will try Jimin!!" She exclaimed with tears.
"I did! For a year but I couldn't okay. I could only see her because you were not the one for me and I realised it long back. I couldn't bring myself to tell you because I was telling myself that I will move on. But, I was a fool and the moment she came back all those feelings I out away came rushing back", I admitted.
Mine and Si-a's relationship was just a front. She fell for me but I didn't. I wanted to give it a try since she was very persistent and I have to move on somehow.
The bitter truth is that I couldn't . Cho-hee understood better than me. We have same goals and ambition.
We  loved music and wanted to go to great heights with it.
But I guess she taught of me as a obstacle than a comfort.
That made me bitter and cold towards her but I couldn't hate her nor could I give up my feelings.
"So, this is it huh. I am glad atleast these months you really tried and I felt like a queen Jimin. Hope she understands you as well", she said while opening the door and getting down.
I leaned back on my car seat and just closed my eyes. I heard my phone ring and saw that it was Taehyung.
"Waee..Tae", I asked.
"Jimin ah come home immediately", his voice sounded rushed.
"Okay, I'm on the way", I cut the call and drive to our dorm.
I reached our dorm and saw Tae in the entrance with his phone in his ear.
"What happened Taehyung ah?" I asked him.
"Joon hyung called me and told me that Jungkook came from Busan today but he didn't come here", I knew where he was headed.
We both drove to the girls Dorm and rushed upstairs where I saw a worried Cho-hee and her team mate.
"What happened Cho-hee?" I asked.
"I dont know. Jungkook came and asked to speak to Areum. I gave them so space so we both stood out", she sighed.
I was worried for them both. I hope they are alright.
Jeon Jungkook POV:
I stayed at Busan for almost 2 weeks and I decided to finally face Areum. I packed my bags and headed to Seoul.
Immediately when I reached the city I caught a cab to her dorm. I knocked and Cho-hee opened the door.
"Can I speak to Areum alone for a few minutes. Please", I said and she nodded. She and Melee went outside after calling Areum out.
"Areum ah.. Mianhae I didn't contact you. I needed to clear my head", I said.
She cried and said nothing for a minute.
"I was so scared that you hated me and that you will break up with me. I am sorry Kookie ah Tae is like my brother and you know it. The press conference I was made to speak like that", she rambled when I just hugged her because I honestly miss my Areum.
"No need to apologise. I know your situation and I understand. Pabo, who told you I will break up with you you are struck with me ", I kissed her.
We pulled apart when I heard some voices in the hallway and I totally forgot we got an audience.
I opened the door to see Cho-Hee, V hyung, Jimin hyung and Melee all falling through since they had their ears on the door.
"You know eavesdropping is bad, hyungnims", I said as I glared at him.
"Yah Jeon Jungkook you have no right to tell at us you scared us today", Jimin hyung said while trying to reach my head to hit but couldn't since I was little taller than him.
"I will get you maknae. Wait and see", he said.
Behind me, Cho-hee was teasing Areum and I noticed Jimin hyung looked happily at her.
"Okay, let them be. Let's go Tae and Kookie ah", Hyung told and I pecked Areum's head before leaving.
While driving I asked Jimin hyung, "Hyung, I saw how you looked at Cho-hee. I thought you moved on".
"I thought so too Kookie ah. But, it's harder and  in the end I couldn't. I broke up with Si-a today since I can't lead her on and I know I am a very bad person for stringing her along for so long", he sighed.
"Jimin ah we knew you still haven't moved on and was worried that you kept all those to yourself. I am glad you are sharing now", V hyung said and I nodded.
I felt bad for Hyung and Cho-hee. We reached the dorms and I went to sleep peacefully after long
Moon Cho-hee POV
I was glad that Areum and Jungkook was alright now. She was smiling the whole night and I was happy for them.
It felt normal after a long time with Jimin without him treating me coldly.
I noticed he was little tired and looked like he had cried. I wonder I something had happened.
I immediately dismissed the thought. He had his girlfriend who worries about him and I have to move on.
But still it's easier said than done. The next day I went for a jog and saw Si-a also there.
"Hey, Si-a. Wassup", I caught up to her. She looked really sad and I saw she had dark circles.
"Hey, you alright. Did something happen to you and Jimin because he looked tired too yesterday?", I asked her.
She smiled sadly and said,
Oh well we broke up yesterday
Hey ARMIES..last update of today. Hope you liked the little thing I added here.
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