Wait, What?

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I close my eyes and wait for death to come to me. After about thirty seconds, I carefully open my eyes.

Jeff is gone, and I'm still in Liu's room. I stand up and look around. Liu's body is gone, and there seems to be no trace of blood anywhere. How could he have cleaned up so fast?

I tiptoe down the steps into my bedroom to see that Vailly is gone. No blood on the sheets, nor on the floor.

Jane was gone too. What the hell is going on?

I hear voices coming from downstairs. I quietly tiptoe down the stairs and peek around the corner.

Everyone was in the living room. Wait, what?

They all looked so alive and well. No unusual scars that weren't there before.

I step out into the living room, absolutely confused. Vailly smiles at me and hops up, pulling me into a hug.

"Morning, Benny!" She squeals.

Out of shock, I don't hug back. What the hell is going on here?!

She pulls away. "Are you alright?"

"You died," I muttered.

She giggles. "What? I'm right here, silly! I'm alive and well!"

I look towards Jane and Liu. "Y-you guys were killed too!"

They looked at each other with a strange look on their faces.

"Who killed us?" Jane asked.

"Jeff," I said.

Liu growled. "I hate him so much..."

"I'm so glad that you guys are alright," I wrapped them into a snug little group hug.

I sat on the couch with Vailly and she snuggled up to me. Everyone was talking so casually as if nothing had happened. Well, nothing did happen... I was still traumatized. Every time I looked at them, I saw their dead bodies.

"You okay, Ben?" Vailly looked up at me. "You're kinda stiff. Is it the dream?"

I slowly nodded. I was terrified of what would happen if it was actually real. What if I had an epiphany?

I shook off all of those thoughts and tried to have a decent day.

*Later that Night*

I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. There was absolutely no way I'd be able to sleep tonight.

I looked over to Vailly, who was still breathing. Good. I think Liu and Jane can take care of themselves, right?

Suddenly, I heard the door creak open. I looked over to the man that stood at my door. He was smiling at me. The weird thing was, it wasn't Jeff...

After Ben Drowned {DISCONTINUED}Where stories live. Discover now