Cookie x Noodle

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Aight, so here we go. This story is for my teacher who owns some pups and rats as pets and also a snake. ^^

School just roamed around like always and a rat named Cookie.

She was roaming around in her cage as always and excitedly waits for her owner's class to began.


The class has just started and everyone in class just walked into the science classroom. Cookie's owner who goes by the name of Ms. Lloyd put the mouse in her cage.

"Alright, good morning everyone," she greeted the class, "Now, let's start the lesson,"

The science period started and you know class begun.

Meanwhile, Cookie herself just waited around and eventually took a nap. (Cuz why not?)

~ Time skip to after school ~

Everyone goes over to the rat and pets her.
"She is so cute," One student said.
"I know she is," Ms. Lloyd said, "I wonder if she'll ever have babies or not,"

Cookie enjoyed getting pets from the students. After awhile of petting, the rat was put back into her cage by her owner and taken to a different classroom.

Ms. Lloyd got the rat cage and took it with her and got to another classroom, that being another teachers classroom, Ms. Elise. She put Cookie down as she and Ms. Elise started having their conversations, like usual.

After a while of walking around, Cookie finds a special someone who she was interested in, that being Noodle, their class snake. Cookie had a big crush on Noodle since they were first introduced. However, knowing that rats are snakes food, she didn't want get anywhere near him, especially since when they first got her, they tried to feed her to him. However, it's changed. When she went to him, she saw that he didn't look too good. He was lying on the floor of his cage, looking sad and gloomy.

Cookie went up to the poor snake and asked, "Noodle, are you okay?"
Noodle saw her and hissed back. "Yeah, I'm fine," he said in raspy voice, "Please, you should leave, you might get eaten,"

Cookie didn't like the sound of that. Even if it did make her scared, she went over to Noodle to feel him, only to find he has a fever.
"Noodle, are you sick?" She asked him.
"N-no!" He hissed, "Please just stay back from me,"
She didn't listen. Instead, she went close to him making them cuddle. This caused Noodle to blush in snake form. All these times, because they've been separated even when Cookie was first bought, Noodle avoided her, but not just because he developed feelings for her, but because he doesn't want to eat her. She's the second rat he's rejected to have as dinner. He just never found the right moment to confess to her, even worse cause they have to be separated. Oh yeah, and he has a fever too so he doesn't want to infect her.

"Why do you want me to stay away from you, Noodle?" Cookie asked.
"Well..." Noodle had to tell the truth now, "Cookie, I love you, and always have since the first time we met... You know, when they had to fed me you..." This made Cookie flinch, oh boy did she remember trying to be fed to him but failed.
"So... All this time, you've loved me?" She asked blushing.
"Yes..." He replied back also blushing, "I just never got the courage to confess since we had to stay away from each other..."

Cookie simply gets closer to Noodle, cuddling him.
"I love you too, Noodle," she said making Noodle widen his eyes.
"You do?"
"Yes. I was scared back then, but it's all changed," She confessed, "Besides, I was sure you wouldn't have the chance to eat me,"
This made Noodle smile as he nuzzled her closer to him.
"I love you then, Cookie,"
"I love you too, Noodle,"

They both said their final
'I love you's to each other, and then spend the rest of their time cuddling together.
They both enjoyed it very much, to the point where both of their lips meet and they share and cherish the moment together.

~Watching them from afar~

Ms. Lloyd and Ms. Elise were finished having their conversation and they were about the get the pets when they noticed what they were doing.

"Oh my god, I never thought that snakes and rats could get along," Ms. Elise said with a surprised look, "It's honestly so cute,"
"I know right, it is," Ms. Lloyd said, "I think it's fair to say that Cookie and Noodle have fallen in love,"
"You don't say..."
"Well, the more you know," Ms. Lloyd responded laughing.


Okay, I hope you enjoyed that guys! ^^
This is based on a true event that happened, my teacher's pet rat was put and they tried to feed it to one of our teacher's snake, but thankfully it failed. :)
They fell in love and it came to a point where she even got pregnant and had baby pups! ><

But anyways, thank you for reading! <3

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