The Beggining

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I was In my office, thinking... "What is the meaning of technology? If I cant make a living droid to introduce to this beautiful world we live in.."

Then an idea struck me.

"Eurika!!!" Then I grabed a pad of paper and my pen, drawing and planing the perfect droid in which I will call her my own daughter.

Hours passed by, crumpled up paper scattered all around the floor. The whole room in now dark and it was only lit by a small desk lamp.

As usual I was still scribling at my paper, and suddenly I completed it.

Then I spun myself around my wheel chair in joy while holding the final plans for my newest creation.

"Now... Lets get to work!!" I said as I wheeled going to my lab.

Hours later

It was almost sunrise, as I finished asembling my creation.

"Now... Rise my daughter, rise.." I said as I hooked her cold metalic body on the machine.

Then the machine sparked her to life, I jumped in joy knowing that this is one of my extra ordinary events of science.

As she woke up, she then gliched. Her eyes glowed blue instead of the color green I decided it to be, and her voice is too crisp and robotic.

I knew that this is a failed experament but I wont give up on this one..

Then I shut her down, and scrapped her.

I wont give up!!! I know that someday I would built my own daughter, like Dr. Julien.

I know I will!!!

Then I wheeled back to my office to re-draw her plans.

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