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ⅰ. basic information

full name ― anton marc evangeline

nickname(s) ― ant

preferred name ― anton, evangeline, ant

birthday ― june 30th, 1999

species ― human

age ― twelve/thirteen

cipher wheel sign ― atom 

zodiac sign ― cancer

gender & pronouns ― male, he/him

sexuality ― bisexual (male-leaning)

love interest ― dipper pines (mabel pines)

ⅱ. appearance

hair color ― brown, although he dyed his bangs purple

hair style/length ― it's an average cut, although it's starting to get a little shaggy. his hair curls at the tips.

eye color ― brown

skin tone ― tan

birthmarks/tattoos/freckles/etc ― a large birthmark on his hand. he also has mild acne on his cheeks and forehead.

clothing style ― anton doesn't have time to care about looking stylish (nor does he care), so his clothes are more or less the same. he tends to wear cargo shorts, a baggy graphic tee, and a zip-up hoodie (even in the hot weather). he's practical, so he just wears some simple socks and sneakers as well.

accessories ― he has a pair of glasses he needs to wear

ⅲ. personality

personality ― anton is a total nerd. he's awkward as well, but you wouldn't be able to tell it at first glance. at first, he seems calm and composed. in reality, he's just an awkward kid who doesn't really know how to properly socialize. he's blunt and quick to point things out, meaning he often (and unintentionally) embarrasses others. there's also the fact he doesn't sugarcoat his words, which can make him come off as intimidating. it probably doesn't help that he usually holds a passive expression that makes him look scarier than he really is. trust me when i say that he stand no chance in a fight. anton likes to read, and in his spare time he's outside sketching the various plants and creatures he stumbles across. he doesn't mind holding conversations, although sometimes his tone can make him come off as disinterested. he's not, his voice just falls a little flat. he's a quiet kid, so he rarely yells or expresses much emotion. emotions are... they're confusing. it's much easier to just remain indifferent than force a smile.

likes ― plants, bugs, drawing, science, libraries

dislikes ― math, swimming, cleaning

strengths ― researching, knowledge, composed

weaknesses ― blunt, indifferent, swimming, socializing, fighting

interests/hobbies ― science, drawing, reading

ⅳ. other

backstory ― anton was one of many people who had lived in gravity falls his whole life. everybody knew everybody, and he was used to that. growing up he'd been a pretty solemn child, and despite encouragement to make friends he would instead spend his time reading or exploring the outdoors. when the pine twins arrived in gravity falls, his mother had sent him to the mystery shack with a tupperware of cookies she had made as a welcoming gift for the two twins. and that's how he met mabel and dipper.

other ― he can play piano.

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