chapter 2 (half of it) / the incident / tn4

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(This takes place right after she gets hit with the missel, you may recognize some of the dialogue from it too!)
"Cat. Get up, come on." the familiar voice attempted to shake her awake.

Eyes bursting open in panic, as she looked around and hobbled to her feet, meeting eyes with Logan.

"What the hell," she whispered, as blood poured out of her nose, bruises ached and scratches burned.

"We have to go, I haven't seen anyone else but we have to go before they send another one, whoever is sending them."

"Stark. It's Stark." she said, as it just randomly popped out of her mouth.

"Did you see it?"

"Before I was hit. I saw the name at the side."

"We'll discuss this later. Let's just get out of here now."

Wobbling on top of rocks as they made their way out of the campus, they were met with T.V. crews and newstaion's huge white vans.

"Look! Survivors!" one of the reporters yelled.

"No questions." Logan said, as he grabbed Kitty by the arm and weaves through the people.

"Did anyone else make it?" Kitty asked, as the camera clicks and annoying chatter started to get further away.

"Jean and Scott were M.I.A., assumingly they got away together. Kurt disappeared. Bobby's in critical condition, along with Illyana and Rogue. They're all under in the headquarters with Forge. As far as I know they're all gonna be alright, and it seems mostly everyone made it there."

"Ororo? The Professor?"

"They're alright."

Kitty sighed in relief. The farther their conversation went the more people she realized survived. It seemed most of the X-Men made it out, but now that she thought about it, the students were a lot more unlucky.

"But why do you think they- the Avengers, if all people, would bomb us? I thought we had some alliance."

"Look kid, I don't have all the answers. But for right now we stay away until we're sure all the missels are done coming."

"What're we gonna do?"

"Go talk to Stark."


"We'll be friendly, don't worry."

"You're never friendly."

"Do you want them to just keep bombing us or no?"


They continued to walk, as Kitty asked even more questions, "So if we could've just went under to HQ and been safe there why are we leaving?"



"Just walk,"

Explanation to why i scrapped it: really wasn't feeling it, and i didn't want stark as the 'villain' (it was gonna be a misunderstanding xd) bc i changed my mind and it's now someone else ;)

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