chapter 5/ pity / tn4

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"Got one!" Spiderman happily said, as they stepped out of the elevator and into some sort of living area.

"Got one or saved one?" the guy on the couch replied.

"Got one," Kitty quickly jumped in.

"You survive the blast?"

"Yep. It was a big one, but I managed to get back up once more."

"Yeah, well that's easy when you're intangible." Spiderman cut in.

"You have a school, family, home, anyone?" the guy continued.

"Well my parents don't really like me, my house just got bombed, and really the only thing I have left is Midtown Highschool."

"Well you're not going. It's not safe out there."

"Why? It's not like they can get me or anything."

"Yeah, and it's not like you can use your powers in public either. You'll be shot down by the M.R.D. or beat up by mutant haters."

Shrugging, she went, "What am I supposed to two then? Sit around here and cry about my dead friends and family. That seems fabulous."

"They most likely aren't dead."

"They're gone though."

"Probably taken by them."


"You bet. Anyways, your priorities and loyalty now rest with me. Welcome to staff...?"


"Welcome aboard Kitty. Your new home where you'll hide until we find a way to stop them."

"Perfect, thanks." she replied, sarcastically, "So am I an Avenger?"

"No, you're an X-Men. But here you're just considered staff or acquaintance."

"This is the worst job ever. Let me guess, I'm gonna be asked to be your assistant next."

"Actually, yeah, that's perfect. Go fetch me a coffee, will ya?"

"That was a joke. Crying about my missing family seems better. Do you have a wall I could stare at or bed I can lay in?"

"Sure. Spiderman give her the guest room."

"Oh, yeah s-sure Mr. Stark. Where's that again?"

"You live here, remember?" he said, almost trying to convince him, "It's down the hall on the left."

"Oh! Yeah, right! I remember now."

He took her down the hall as Kitty hit him with questions, "Do you have a name? That's not Spiderman?"


"What is it?"


"Do you ever take the mask off?"

"When I'm on the job it stays on."

"It doesn't look like you're on the job right now."

"Not just any stranger gets to walk in and see what Spiderman looks like."

"Do the Avengers know what you look like?"


"Oh. How old are you?"


"You sound real young to be a superhero."

"Aren't you a little young to be a superhero?"

"Well, danger has never really cared how old I was." she shrugged.

After a small silence, he said, "You go to Midtown?"

"Yeah, why? Do you?"

His voice suddenly deepened, as if he was trying to imitate someone older then he actually was, "No. I graduated long ago."

She shook her head, as they reached a tall, black door.

Spiderman reached for the polished silver handle, letting her into a large room fixtured with a bed, nightstand, dresser, closet, etc. All the essentials, plus more.

"Your room."

"Cool. Now when do we think we're gonna save my friends?"

"I don't know. Ask Mr. Stark."

"Okay. Bye." she said, shutting the door in his face as she sprawled out on the bed.

She'd put on a brave face for a night, but sometimes it was just time to cry.

She's in a stranger's home. Everyone's gone. Her house blew up. She got chased by a bunch of guys who wanted to use her as a lab rat. Got deserted by Logan. And the list goes on.

Looking at the alarm clock, a 6:50 glowed across it.

On any regular day she'd be on her way to school by now.

But today was far from regular.

explanation: too short, I also wrote this going along with chapter 4 so its kind of ties in but I just wasn't feeling it from there.

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