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‘The wizarding laws of lycanthropy state that a lycanthrope has a right to his or her privacy regarding their state of existence. If a witch or wizard should find out about a lycanthrope’s state, they are bound by law to keep said lycanthrope’s secret until given permission to share their secret to someone else. The only exception to this law is if the lycanthrope in question is aiming to cause direct harm to a person, place, or organization, or if said lycanthrope possesses the dark mark. Failure to abide by these laws may result in imprisonment in a minimum security facility of prosecutors choosing.’

“Wow. It's like they are afraid to say the word ‘werewolf’” Harry complained.

“Well they probably are.” Ron rebutted. 

“Does it really matter?” Asked Hermione. “It's a huge step forward. Even if it is poorly worded.” 

It was Hogsmeade weekend but the trio were cooped up in the defense classroom with two grinning marauders, reading the daily prophet. The front page article was a new laws announcement - The protection and privacy of half breeds in the wizarding community was written in bold letters at the top of the page. 

Hermione was in a particularly giddy mood. The girl had passion for the rights of magical creatures and had spent months owling back and forth with another activist in the department of magical creatures to come up with a reform. They had decided that the rights of werewolves would be the best way to start and in turn, her friend in the ministry proposed a law that would allow a werewolf to live outside of the public eye. After months of revision, a new law was created in the favor of werewolves, and the witch could not be more proud to have taken part in such a process, and the fact that it would help ease some of the struggles that plagued one of her dear friends, only sweetened the pot.

Hermione's enthusiasm was nothing compared to that of Remus Lupins, the trio's defense against the dark arts professor, and their friend. This law affected him personally of course. This law would make things so much easier for him. He would no longer have to worry about being outed and losing his job -something he had been worried about since an incident during the trio’s third year- and he could go out in public without the fear of being noticed and called out by someone who may have happened to know his secret. No. Now with the developments Snape was making to the wolfsbane potion, and with this new law, Remus had the possibility of a rather normal life, something he hadn't imagined since he was infected as a child. 

“And you had something to do with this didn't you kitten?” Sirius’s question sounded more like a statement and Hermione tried not to cringe at the nickname the man had given her. Always the flirt, he shot her a wink and she inwardly scolded herself after her face heated in an obvious blush. 

“I worked on it with a friend in the ministry, yes. But she did all the hard work. All I did was mention that we wouldn't get anywhere with magical creatures if half breeds barely had any rights either, then I mentioned how hard it is for werewolves to find work after being outed.” She was trying to be humble but all the joy and pride she felt rushed to the forefront of her mind and she couldn't help but ramble. Twice since Sirius asked, she had struggled to hide a blush. Remus chuckled from beside him.

“Well I am extremely grateful to both you and your friend Hermione.” Remus praised with a smile. 

“Yeah, Grateful it was more successful than spew.” Ron jested. 

“It's S.P.E.W Ronald. And trust me, one day all creatures will have rights.  This was only just the start.” 

“Oh we have no doubts Hermione.” It was Remus who spoke. 

The group continued chatting and sipping on butterbeer for a while. It truly was a celebration. Everyone was so excited for both Hermione and Remus, well everyone but Ron, he was just excited for the free butterbeer and the time with his friends. It was a truly happy moment for everyone in that room, for a while at least. 

“What, pray tell, is that mutt doing in this school?” I low voice droned from the doorway, emphasizing the word ‘mutt’.

“Now now Severus,” Remus started “You know very well that dumbledore has given Sirius here permission to visit Harry during hogsmeade weekend.” He finished in a soothing voice. 

“Hmm yes. How unfortunate it is that the full moon happens to fall on said weekend this month.” Severus seethed. 

“What do you want snivellus!?” Sirius rolled his eyes before he noticed the goblet in the man's hand. “Just give the man his potion and be gone with you.” It was clear by the way he spoke that Sirius Black hated Severus Snape with a passion. But the two wizards celebrating today would hear nothing of it. 

“Sirius!” Both hermione and remus snapped in identical warning tones. 

“Don't be a git. I don't see you brewing his potion.” Hermione chastised. She really was the mother in the group. 

“Snape’s the git mione.” Ron stated, not noticing the collection of butterbeer foam adorning his upper lip. Hermione smacked him hard upside the head. 

“Sorry bout that.” Remus sighed, taking the goblet from Snape. “Thank you Severus. I really appreciate this.” 

“Don't mention it.” The man whispered before leaving in a swarm of billowing black fabrics. 

Neither men would openly admit it, but they really didn't mind each other at all. They wouldn't call themselves friends of course, but they each saw the good in the other and could appreciate each other's presence in situations such as these. Remus often went to Severus for advice on his lesson plans, and Sverus found a little joy in discussing his favorite topic with someone who was interested in listening. 

Their dynamic changed greatly after the trio’s third year when Remus thanked Severus profusely for protecting the children from him during the full moon. It was then that the raven haired man realised just how much the wolf’s condition plagued him. He knew that Remus could be trusted any other day and he sought to make it the same during the full moon. So there he set to make improvements on the wolfsbane potion. ‘For the safety of the children’ he would say to himself. ‘Definitely not for a man who may or may not be my friend… definitely not my friend.” 

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