4. Excused

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“Headmistress? Might I have a word?” 

Hagrid had spent the morning nursing a very injured Hermione Granger until she fell asleep on an oversized sofa in his hut. She had been very secretive about the cause of her state and wouldn't let him go for help, so he resigned to take care of her himself the best that he could. He was extremely worried for the girl’s well being, and equally as curious about who did this to her and how. But she wouldn’t relent. She was intent on protecting her friend, whoever it may be. So he didn't know what to do to help her.

It was mid-morning now and Hagrid knew people would start to worry soon since no one knew where the girl was. He knew he couldn't leave her alone to teach either, and so he found himself in the office that was previously occupied by someone he cared for dearly… but he was gone now and someone else stood in his place. 

Headmistress Minerva McGonagall peerd at Hagrid questioningly over her tiny oval glasses. She knew it must be important if the half giant actually came into her office… he had not set foot in the place since the death of Albus Dumbledore.

Dumbledore’s death had affected so many people in so many ways. It was a necessary loss, but that didn't make it any less painful, especially for Rubeus Hagrid. Dumbledore’s mercy was the only reason the man was where he was… the only reason he had any kind of life in the wizarding world at all. And above all of that, he was his friend. This room held a lot of memories and resulted in a bout of grief everytime Hagrid was even near it, let alone standing inside. But he had to do this… for Hermione.

“What is it, Rubeus? Is something the matter?” She asked worriedly. He shook his head no but the expression on his face seemed to say the opposite.

“Nothing is amiss maam.” He tried to assure her, but his voice shook slightly. He was never very good at lying.

“Mhm.” She grunted skeptically, folding her fingers into a steeple. “What is it then?”

Hagrid froze on the spot. He hadn't planned this far ahead. He damn well couldn't tell her the truth, but he couldn't think of a good lie either. 

‘Better just start then.’ He thought,scratching the back of his neck.

“Well ye see..” He started. “Well… er.” He had no idea how stressed he looked at that moment. His wide eyes seemed to be on the verge of frustrated tears and his right hand sprawled out against his forehead. He hadn't even realized he was pacing until the headmistress spoke again. 

“Hagrid? Whatever is it?” Her face never betrayed the anxiety she was feeling over the man’s behavior.

“I…” He took a deep breath to ground himself. “I need to request a day off.” He finally spit out in a surprisingly calm tone. 

“That's it?” She said in disbelief. “That's what you're on about? What day.” She asked, trying to hide her annoyance, convinced she had worried for nothing.

“Well, erm, today actually.” He admitted sheepishly, refusing to meet her eyes. 

“Today?! But your first class starts in half an hour.” She sounded almost angry as she didn't try as hard to hide her annoyance.

“Yes, I realize Minerva.” He hardly ever used her first name, but he needed her to know that this was important without actually telling her why it was important. “I wouldn't ask if it wasn't necessary.”

She could tell there was a secret meaning behind his words. “Why, hagrid, is it necessary?” She questioned.

“I have a sort of… erm… a private… emergency?” What he meant as a statement came out as a question. 

“A private emergency?” She repeated back in a skeptical tone. 

“Yes ma'am. A private emergency. I ask for the day off to attend to this ‘private emergency’, and i also ask that you excuse miss Hermione Granger from all o’ her classes t’day to erm… to-to er… To help me with my uh my private emergency.” He stuttered through his plea managing to make himself sound guilty. 

“All of her classes? You know where she is then. She was reported absent from her first class today.” When did this turn into an interrogation?

“Yes erm, she was down at my hut helping me.” Hagrid lied. 

“Mhm. And when did she arrive at your hut?” Her questions were beginning to sound more and more like accusations.

“Early this morning. Very early.” At Least that fact was true. 

“Hmm. Severus said he was down there this morning checking on a mysterious trail of blood. Is that correct.” She asked.

“Yes he did show up this morning.” Hagrid answered honestly. 

“But he didn't mention seeing Miss Granger this morning. In fact, he happened to mention that you were alone.” She was definitely accusing now. 

‘Back to lying it is then.’ He thought to himself. He really wasn't a good liar.

“She came down shortly after he left.” He almost whimpered. 

He looked completely defeated. He wrung his hands so tightly he thought he might snap his own fingers and his eyes were watering on the brink of tears. He thought for sure he would have to betray Hermione and tell McGonagall the truth, and he wasn't prepared for what the young girl would say when she found out he did. But his anxiety subsided at the headmistress's reply.

“Very well,” She started. “Miss Granger and yourself may have the day off to deal with your… private emergency.” She relented, though he strongly believed that she didn't believe a word he was saying. And she didn't, but the look on his face was enough for her to trust that wherever his intentions were, they were pure.


Hermione clutched the patchwork quilt so hard that her knuckles turned white. Her breath was short and uneven, but she didn't have a fever which gave Hagrid the only shred of hope he had. 

The day had been a rough one after he got back that morning. Hermione was still asleep where he left her but the bite on her ribs was bleeding again and she cried loudly in her sleep when he went to apply pressure. 

‘Must be a broken rib,’ He thought. ‘Or three.’

He tried to wake her up twice to eat but he couldn't get her to come to. She just moaned and groaned and cried out in pain. It was heartbreaking. 

Harry and Ron stopped by twice asking for her. McGonagall had told them she would be there all day. It felt horrible to lie to them but he managed to imply that she was out running an errand for him up at the castle. It was a true wild goose chase, but they were none the wiser. 

By the time she finally woke up, it was well past midnight and the rest of the staff and students were sound asleep save for a couple prefects and Professor Snape who was patrolling the dungeons. Hagrid helped her up to her rooms and told her to send someone if she needed anything. 

“Ye don’ need ta be climbing down all o’ them stairs all by yerself in yer condition.” He had said sleepily, slurring his words as if he was drunk with exhaustion. To be fair, he probably was. 

“Thank you Hagrid.” Hermione hugged him lightly in an attempt not to jostle her broken ribs too much.

He jostled off back the way they came, and she went to bed, still in her bloodied and ripped clothes from the night before. 

This was going to be a long month indeed.

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