Ch. 19

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This was the busiest you had ever been. Between work, choir rehearsals, a couple voices lessons, and then helping Adam with his audition tape you had no time. Everything blended into the next feeling like you were living the movie Groundhog day. Waking up dealing with work all day then when that was over you head straight to the choir room for rehearsals or your voices lessons. You spend a couple hours preparing, rehearsing/teaching, and cleaning up then you head home to learn your lines. Adam reassured you that your performance didn't matter he just needed someone to go through the motions with. You listened to him but you also wanted to do your best for him because you wanted him to get this job, and was so afraid you would be the reason he wouldn't. A sense of relief washed over you when Adam gave you copies of the scenes. The two straight scenes were  from the iconic films When Harry Met Sally when they are discussing how men and women can't be friends. Then the other was from Moonstruck when Ronny and Lorretta walked home from the Opera. You knew these two movies like the back of your hand.

The hard work came when you were learning the two songs from Waitress Bad Idea and You Matter to Me. Adam was counting on you a lot because he didn't feel comfortable just learning the words and singing. He wanted you to teach him how to sing it properly and seem like he knew what he was doing. The pressure was building and you wanted to be able to help him the best you could because that's what you do. You had to learn the timing, both lyrics, both harmonies, key and pitch for Adam, and how to teach them to him. Luckily the songs were ones you were semi familiar with, but it's still a lot to learn in a short amount of time.

Monday and Tuesday night was spent running lines and listening to the two songs on a constant loop. Adam was enraptured when he saw how prepared you were. You would come into his or your apartment humming one of the songs as you unpacked your bag laying out sheet music and small singing charts you had printed off at work. Before anything you would take a few minutes and read through the few pages of scripts concentrating on the words and their meanings. Adam loved the way you would get lost in thought and mindlessly pace in the room. He didn't have much to do throughout the day at the moment. This was the only thing he was working on so it was easy for him to get his lines down. However, he was a little amazed that you would take this on with everything else you had going on in your life. Something about doing this together seemed intimate in a way the two of you hadn't been before.

Wednesday came and it was already a rough start you were rushing out of the door for work after oversleeping from being up so late trying to memorize one of the songs. Madi had to come in and wake you up because your alarm was blaring through the apartment while you just slept peacefully ignoring it. Finally making it into school just in time to drop your stuff off in your office and get started for the day. Picking up your material you head down the hall when you hear, "Ms. L/N." Quickly you turn to find the voice noticing Jaxon catching up with you. "Morning Jaxon, how are you?". He gave you a handsome smile saying, "I'm good. Where were you this morning?" Nonchalantly shrugged your shoulders answering, "Overslept. Been helping a friend with an audition." He gave you a concerned look, " You've been really busy lately." Taking a moment to think about it, "Yeah i've had a lot going on." He stops you by placing a hand on your forearm. Slightly turning to catch his eye and slow your steps. His stare softens, "don't give too much of yourself. People take advantage of it." It wasn't the words themselve that bothered you, but it was the fact that he felt like he had to say it. Jaxon and you had been friends for a while now and have become semi close in a work sense, but at that moment it seemed like he had another meaning behind his words. Your exhausted eyes narrow to try to read the situation not sure how to respond. He was quick to replace the silence, "I just don't want my friend to get caught up in something and get burned out. If you need anything let me know i'd love to help." Jaxon turned and started to walk away as he wished you a good day and that he would see you later at choir rehearsal. His words rattled around your brain as you refocus your day's agenda.

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