There's Something I Need to Tell You ~ Luke Hemmings

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Luke: hey Y/N

You: hey Hemmings!

L: are you able to hang out tonight?

Y: yeah. of course

L: ok... I was worried you would say no.

Y: Luke... we have been best friends for 5 years now... why would I say no?

L: I don't know... 😁

Y: are you ok Luke?

L: yeah! it's just that I actually have something to tell you...

Y: and what is that?

L: Y/N, we have been friends for 5 years as you said. In those 5 years I realized I like you as more than just a friend.

Y: Luke... I don't know what to say...

L: ok I didn't think you felt the same way. just forget I ever brought it up. just forget this whole conversation.

Y: I have something to tell you too.

L: ...what?

Y: Luke, I feel the same way.


Y: calm your inner fangirl, Hemmings

L: Y/N, would you like to be my girlfriend?

Y: yes. of course!

L: I love you, Y/N

Y: I love you too, Luke

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