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"Friends...?" I questioned them.

"Friends...?" They asked me back.




I thought I never had a chance. But guess what, I did. My eyes were gleaming from anticipation as we screamed the word "friends" to each other. Later on, I called Chihiro/Chifuji to join in on us!

We made a new slogan I guess, called "tsumachifu is bby".

We were all screaming it when everyone is offline, and surely, they were going to scream at us for it. But no matter, our hearts were made of steel. I think. And who knew the mature one could be so pleasurable to be with. But I know this, I have to chance to be their closest and best friend...

Haruhi Fujioka... heh...

Right after we said bye to Chifuji, it was just our lives to ourselves. I still want to meet Kichi someday...


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