
841 15 6

Scenario happens in the human world:The gang all have a apartment in the ratri home/living quaters

The FST(Full Score Trio) are 17

Gilda:Don really Ray had a rough day yesterday

Don:Com"on Gil its a harmless prank ive seen this on tiktok all were no harm done

Lanion:Yeah Imagine the look on his face

Gilda:And posting the reaction No!!

Don had turned Thoma and Lanion in his litltle protocea prankster. I mean they should have a close bond but this.

Don:We promise not to uploud it but more like a video tape to wacth


Entering Rays Room:

Ray hasent bother changing Gilda remember him wearing his school pants
with a white sando

Don:Wake up Sleepy head!!

Ray waking up:

Ah what the heck.

But they all did'nt know there was some one else

Emma:What the f*ck man

The red head said appering on the right side hidden in the covers and Rays body.


Ray and Emma blushing deep red

Ray:Its not what you think
       :Emma still a virgin

Emma:Y-yeah we had clothes on

Lanion:oh you havent had 'it' yet

All the 3 teens in shock

Thoma: Were in 5th grade we know about the birds and-

Gilda:Up don't finish that sentence

All come out as if nothing happend

But Emma had to deal with the girls

Gillian:You and Ray had se-

            : I just slept with my boyfriend that

Anna:So he sedu-

Emma:Don't even finish thoose words.
            : Thats it im done im not dealing
              with this in the morning

Emma said while storming out of the room

Gillian:Bet on who sleeps with their BF
           :I bet gilda and don

Gilda:Oh great

RayEmma: Oneshots BookWhere stories live. Discover now