Chapter 2

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What?! I scream in his face. You heard right Johnson's men are right next to the mouth of the cave. I slowly turn around and ball my fists. I screamed as loud as I can. CODE RED THIS IS NOT A DRILL !! Everyone's eyes got huge. They all shot up and manned there stations and did there jobs. People were pulling the equipment up into smaller caves near the top , and others were driving trucks into caves near the bottom and covering it with a rock. I climbed the rock and sat waiting for any thing the first time in months I have waited and I don't want to wait any longer. We heard shouts coming from the mouth. The rebels are this way. I look up from the small rocks and about half of Johnson's men are here. I quietly whisper lit em up. On my go. I position my AK-47 and say now! All of my snipers are shooting the army falls back but I know they are not going to take it. I sit up and start shooting I hit 37 people right between the eyes. Some people looked at me terrified. What? Did you have to shoot them all. Think we had 50 troops of 300 men and we are down to one our battalion has to stay alive. Our brothers were shot and killed and so we have them the same death. They took thousands of us and we took 100 of them. You tell me is that fair? You are right like always. The rest of the tyrants men fall back they know where we are now this is no longer the safe haven. I hear gun shots. I open my eyes not knowing they where closed. The scouts where back. Ma'am we report seeing no retreat but instead advancing between the woods and sunset cannon.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2015 ⏰

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