Rules + Info

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First off i would like to remind Everyone that though I don't have many rules. The ones i do have are important. Also i only roleplay in dms. I do not roleplay in the comments.
If you have any questions after reading this, please comment or dm me. Even if I don't resond right away I promise I will get to your question.
I hope everyone who reads this is doing alright and i wish you all happyness ^w^

To all who read this and are interested. I can sometimes get confused with some wordings. All i ask it that you don't get mad at me if i don't understand something.

·Table of contents·
-Main rules
-My roleplay style

Main Rules

(1) Please write semi lit or lit. Preferably lit. This means no one lines. You have to have at least 4 lines. Preferably more than than 4 lines. I simply don't want us to get stuck in a short reply loop.

(2) Please right like you are writing a book.
Example: Edd walked outside to find Matt stuck in a tree. "Matt! What are you doing up there?"
"I just wanted to get my mirror back! Tom said it was up here!" Matt replied.
Tom could be heard snickering in the background, holding Matt's mirror.

(3) Cursing is completely fine with me. Please warn me ahead of time if you don't like swearing. I will commenly put many swear words in some dialogue. But if you don't want that i can leave it out or senser it in some way. All you have to do is tell me.

(4) If you have a trigger of any kind. Please let me know before we roleplay. I wish not to upset you. Roleplay's should be fun for both roleplayers.

(5) Smut and fluff are completely fine with me. But i prefer to be warned when adding smutt into a roleplay scene. Simply to be sure there is no confusion of what is going on in the scene and how far it will go.

(6) NO overpowered oc's. No one is perfect. Your oc shouldn't be right at all times or win every fight. Please let there be stuggles and flaws. Its good to have those. It keeps things fun and balanced. Also please don't play your character/characters like they are invincible. It makes the roleplay less fun and interesting if everything works out for a character perfectly.

(7) Please send oc forms in the comments, tag me, or send the oc form in the dms. Please keep in mind that for now my oc only has one crush, that crush being tord. I dont yet have other ocs with crushes but i am working on it. So if your oc's crush is tord please switch it to an alternative if you can. Otherwise you can wait for my other oc's to be finished enough for roleplays, if you'd like to.

(8) Please do your best to tell me if you are going to be offline for more than 1 day. I will probably get worried about you if you don't say anything. Also I will do my best to warn you when i will be gone for more than one day.

(9) If you have Amino, Discord, Tumblr, or Omlet Arcade and would be ok with roleplaying in one of those instead please tell me. I am completely ok with roleplaying on wattpad. But my replies may be slow sometimes because wattpad never gives me sound in notifications and sometimes doesn't send my replies on the first go.

(10) HAVE FUN! Please be creative and have fun while you roleplay. Don't do something if it makes you uncomfortable. No one should be forced to roleplay something they don't want to. Please compromise with the plot so both are happy with the roleplay.


-I don't like it when others control the characters I play

-I don't like being pressured into doing something if i really don't want to do it

-Confusing roleplaying styles. Like when one uses first person when describing instead of third. Or when one doesn't use quotes when a character is talking. Stuff like that.

-I hate it when someone kills off a main character without asking me. Or at the very least warning me. 

My Roleplay Style

Lit and or Semi-lit. To be more specific write like I'm writing book. I normally write over 4 sentances and can depending on how much info i have for the rp i can write a large paragraph, past the character limit sometimes.

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