"Sprouting" Popularity

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Harumi's POV (Harumi's bedroom)

I slowly opened up my eyes. The blinding light coming from my window reminded me of the day I met Madoka.
She was so kind to me and didn't hesitate to talk, unlike me. Madoka is the perfect version of me.

I shook off the thought and got up from my messy bed. Most of my pillows were on the floor because I toss and turn a lot at night. Miyu used to tease me a lot about me being such a heavy sleeper. Sometimes I miss those days..

I stretched for a bit and organized my bed. I could hear Miyu banging pots and pans together downstairs, as always. Even though she's my elder sister, she reminds me of  a mother. Miyu makes me feel better as person when I feel lonely. She knows I'm a bit anti-social, so she tries to help out sometimes.

I was spacing out for a few minutes until Miyu yelled from downstairs,"Come downstairs Rumi! Breakfast is ready!"

Time Skip To When Harumi is at School (Mitakihara Middle School)

Time Skip To When Harumi is at School (Mitakihara Middle School)

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

When I arrived at my school, a crowd of students surrounded me. They said things like,

"Wow, I've never seen you around campus!" 

"Are you new?" 

"I love your hair! It's so pretty."

"What shampoo do you use? Your hair smells really nice."

All the compliments made me flustered. I slowly backed away. I could see Sayaka trying to peek through the crowd. That magic cat really wasn't lying when they said they could grant any wish. I was literally surrounded by people I don't know. I was like a celebrity or something!

I wanted to cry of joy, but then again I wanted to talk to them. It was really overwhelming for me. I looked around nervously. People starting getting even closer to me to the point where I had to say excuse me when I tried to go upstairs. I think I even saw someone take a picture of me and send it to their friends.

I heard multiple people following behind me. At this point, paparazzi will probably start coming to my house. I clutched my book bag and hurried to my to my classroom. Luckily, it wasn't that far away.

Harumi's Class

When I sat down at my seat I was already receiving glares. I tried not to look back at them. My chest was heavy from the hyperventilating when I was trying to escape from the crowd of people earlier.  Trying to calm myself down, I got my sketch book from my book bag and started drawing. I sketched a little drawing of me and Madoka. It made me smile. Having a friend is probably the best feeling I could ever experience. Knowing that someone out there will listen to you and care about you is such a wonderful thing!

Suddenly, class started. The whole room began to become quiet and I set down my notebook back inside my notebook.

To be continued.. 

Madoka Magica- The New Magical Girl ✧・゚: *✧・゚Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang