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The school had been put back together yet it still felt different maybe it was the fact that I have no home any more or maybe it's the fact I'm sleeping on one of Lord Deaths many couches, but something was different.

"Mornin'!" I called to Kid as I scoured his fridge.

"Good morning." He said grabbing a plate of the eggs Liz had made him.

"Pft! Why don't you guys have anything good to eat!" I teased slamming the fridge shut.

"There's perfectly good eggs right here." Kid shot back.

"I don't feel like eggs." I whinned playfully.

"Well eat something we have to make it to school." He laughed.

"Yeah, cause I'm the problem." I said as Liz walked in.

"Yesterday we were a hour late because the TV wasn't centered with the couch and you had to have it perfect." She said pointing at me before she left.

"What about the time we were late because you forgot to fold the toilet paper." I boasted.

"Or the time we were late because there was a little micro scopic spot of yellow paint on a red wall and you had to have it right." Kid accused.

"Well what about the time when- or when you- I got nothin let's just agree to disagree." I sighed with defeat.

"Well let's not be late today." Kid declared after cleaning his plate.

"Well then we better go now." I said before going to get Patty and Liz.

"Patricia, Elizabeth, lez go!!" I yelled as they bust through the door.

"We told you not to call us that." Liz said walking past me.

"Oops." I laughed as we left. We walked to school. Me and Patty walked backwards. I think she walked backwards because its fun but I walked backwards to see the view.

"Wow." I said mesmerized.

"What?" Kid asked turning his head

"The view." I gasped shading my eyes. You could see all of Death City from the top of the DWMA. It was beautiful.

So we went inside and met up with every one else. Maka, Soul, Black Star, Tsubaki, even Synthia.

"Wow they really fixed the place." Maka said looking around the hall.

"Yeah, there's not even a hole in Lord Deaths office any more." I said smiling. I was the one who fixed that. We went to our normal classes and had a normal day. It was... Normal.

"Hey Synth, are we going out for kishans today?" I asked as we walked through the hallways at Kid's house.

"Yup." She said as she hit a picture frame and turned it slightly.

"Ahhhhh!" I screamed fixing it.

"Hahaha!" She laughed pointing at me. I stuck my tougne out.

"Oh, hey." Kid said stepping out of his room.

"Hello!" Synthia said waving and winking. I slammed my heel on her foot and she stopped.

"Hey Kid." I smiled. We walked to the kitchen where Liz was cooking.

"Liz I could help you know." I said. I had asked to help out around the house multiple times but they always said no.

"I'm good. Maybe later though." She smiled tilting her head to the side before she went back to rushing around the kitchen.

"Are ya sure?" Synthia said sarcastically.

"Yup!" She said opening the oven. Normal, what is normal? Nothing is ever normal.

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