Chapter 1

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The time is near. Her breath is shallow and she is in pain, struggling to get the air past her lips and into her lungs.

There is nothing anyone can do, it is her time. I try to coo, to flap my wings so that they beat against the glass. I want her to know that she is not alone, that I am here for her.

As the sun rises and the first ray of light breaks over the horizon a soft orange glow fills her room and I see her eyes close for the final time. Her hand rises slowly off the bed, it’s only a few inches but I know this simple act is to acknowledge me. She takes her final breath and her hand falls to the bed.

For a moment my heart breaks. I turn my head away from her and close my eyes. Grief fills my body and I start to shake. I don’t know how to go on without her.

Then I feel it, her spirits presence by my side. I stop shaking and turn to face the morning light. The sunrise is the most beautiful I have ever seen – golden light breaking through crimson clouds. I close my eyes and my heart fills with joy. I can feel her relief, the pain has gone and she is free. I flap my wings and stretch them out to my side, I watch as they change from Pigeon grey to dove white.

We both leap into the air and fly towards the morning sun.

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