Part 22

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Dear diary,
I couldn't help it. I just screamed. A scream so powerful that it changed the dynamics of nature. Klaus let go of me, holding his ears as they bled. But not even his magic healing could stop the power of my scream. No one should have been that close to me. No one should ever be that close to me. The scream bellowed through me. Consuming me. It only hurt for a second and then it was done. The rain continued to pour and wind continued to blow. But it fast. It all began to swell up into one big hurricane. And this hurricane was of my doing. I had to stop my creation. The hurricane stood in front of me. Taunting me. I stood up for the ground of the graveyard, the heavy rain pushing me down. But I fought back. My hair began to stick to my face due to the rain. I placed my hands in front of me. My palms facing the storm. "What are you doing?" Klaus yelled over the rain. "Fixing my mess" I yelled back without turning to face him. I slowly closed my eyes, pushing the memory of my parents from my mind. And I thought of sun, and warmth. I thought of summer and spring. As I opened my eyes I could see the storm disappearing. It was like it was being suction into a rip in the atmosphere. The hurricane collapsed inside itself, as it vanished. In its place it left sun and warmth, just like I imagined. I gave a small smile as I saw the blue sky, with soft clouds. I turned to face at Klaus. Prepared for a disappointed look. He clucked "Remind me to never get on your bad side" he said standing from the ground with a huff. I giggled my body soaking wet. "Still want me to stay with you?" I asked looking up at him. As he towered over me. He nodded pushing a wet strand of dirty blonde hair from my face. My blue eyes shimmered in the sunlight. Finally feeling like I belonged.

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖎𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖑𝖉 Where stories live. Discover now