Chapter 1

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Nathalie's POV

I woke up this morning crying because of my nightmare. I never get adopted because of my shyness. Annie burst into my room because she said she has a big news. She's my Best Friend here in the Orphanage.

"So... What's the big news?" I asked wondering what was the big news. "Fifth Harmony is going to be here tomorrow to adopt someone!" she said happily. "OMG! You're not kidding me, right!?!" I said almost screaming because I'm super excited to see them. She shooked her head meaning that she wasn't kidding. "But I'm sure when it comes to the adoption scene, it wasn't going to be me. I mean I'm shy and all that." I blurted out in a sad voice.

"So here comes the Drama Queen." Annie said as I smile. "But what if its you?" she said in a positive voice trying to cheer me up. "But if it is you, please dont forget me." She said as she frowned.

"Haha! So here's the Drama Queen. But no its not going to happen because im never going to leave you. You're my best friend." she smiled but I know it was fake because I can tell deep inside that she's sad. I just don't know why though.

Josie came into my room. Josie is the youngest girl here in the orphanage. She's 4 years old. She's like my little sister here in the orphanage. She's so adorable. She has blonde hair and has blue eyes just like mine. Sometimes people were asking me if she was my sister but sadly, no.

"Hey Lily!" Josie said in her cute little voice. Oh yeah, right! That was my nickname from Josie and she's the only one who can call me that.

"Hey little Josie." I greeted as she jumped up in my bed. "Why are you crying last night?" she asked "No I'm not." I lied not wanting to talk about it. "Yes you are." she said pushing the subject.

"Why do you always said no when i ask why are you crying even when you really are crying? Please tell me why are you crying last night. Please, please, please!" she begged.

"Okay, okay." i said giving up. "It's because I had a nightmare. Really really bad nightmare." she hates nightmares a lot.

"Okay. I really hate where this is going. I have a thing to do." she said in a serious tone as I giggled at her cuteness. She hopped out of my bed and got out of my room. "So.... Nathalie, what if its you?" Annie said. "Or you." i said teasingly. "Oh, shut up. It was never going to be me. Its going to be you." she said.

The day went by fast but good. Its already 5:30 pm. I have to get my things ready for tomorrow because Fifth Harmony is going to be here!!! I still can't believe it. Its okay if it wasn't me atleast i get to see them. Maybe it will be Josie because she's the youngest, cutest, and smartest 4 year old little girl. But she's just 4 and they have to keep an eye on her for everything that she does and just take care of her. It may affect their career a little. So... Who could that be...?

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts. When i opened it, stood on my doorway was Annie. "Hi Annie, come on in." as she entered my room, she stopped where she was. "Wait, why am i here? I forgot." she said as we both laughed. We then sat in my bed. "Oh yeah! I now remember!" She exclaimed as she put a finger in the air. "What exactly are you doing here? What is it?" I asked a bit irritated. "I'm here because I have to tell you something. It's about tomorrow" she said.

"What is it?" I asked again. "5H will be here tommorow to adopt someone, right?" I nod "So... if it is you, don't forget that i love you very very much. No matter what. Even though you have forgotten about me, i would never ever forget you..." she said then a tear fell down her cheeks but I wiped it off with my thumb. "Oh, shut up Drama Queen. You're such a dramatic girl aren't you?" i said as she died of laughter. I don't know why. Maybe she's insane. Or maybe she's just teasing me. But hey, she really is a good actress.

The bell of the orphanage rang, meaning it's already 9:00pm. It's time to sleep. We exchanged our goodnights then she headed out to her room to do her night routine. I also did the same thing. After changing into my pjs, i brushed my teeth and went straight to bed. Before i fell into a deep sleep i thanked God first for the wonderful day he has given me. After that, i fell into a deep sleep without me knowing.

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