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As morning was approaching Jamie was down stairs awake still looking over the night it happened. Jamie wants to forgot about it but somehow can't and always remembers the night she stabbed her mom and the night she almost watched rachel die. She then sighed taking off her glasses and putting the stuff away and locking it and walking upstairs to wake up leah. She got to her door and slowly opened it, Leah was ahead of her mom and was already awake getting ready. "I see your up and early for once" jamie stood in the doorway "well i mean i wanna get ready since tomorrow is halloween night and i still need your confirmation to allow me and my friends to hang out at my house" Jamie sighed and looked at her "they can come over but have to be home atleast by 4 am, no later...Now get ready you have to leave in 30 minutes" jamie closed the door heading back downstairs and Leah jumped up excited and grabbed her phone texting her friends "MY MOM SAID YES" Leah was your typical teenager. 14 and young, Has friends, Has a boyfriend, Gossips, and lives her life as best as she can. She went downstairs grabbing a water from the fridge and opening the door "bye mom see you when i get home" she closed the door and walked outside. As she was walking two of her friends came along side her. they where the same age so that means there where in the same grade and could walk to school and hangout whenever. There names where Lyla And Oliver. Those two where a couple so when Leahs boyfriend wasn't there she was left out a lot. "where is he?" leah said annoyed at the fact her boyfriend , Jared wasn't with them. "He said he won't be able to make it too school today. He wasn't feeling well" Lyla said and then moved infront of her "but he said he promises to be at your house tomorrow" Lyla smiled at her hoping to make her bestfriend happy. "now smile for me" Leah smiled slightly and went on with her day. School hours passed as she was in her last class of the day and she looked out the window seeing a figure standing outside. She stated at it for a little then looking at the teacher as she looked back. She got scared and nervous as the shape wasn't there. She closed her eyes letting out a sigh and whispering to herself "it's not real." The teacher called her name "Miss Lloyd are you feeling well? do you need me to send you too the nurse?" Leah looked up at the teacher shaking her head "no...i'm fine." The teacher nodded and went back to her teaching and the bell rang "happy halloween everyone and have a great day tomorrow and happy friday!" leah grabbed her things but before she could leave the teacher called her name "leah come to my desk for a minute" leah closed her eyes and the. opening them walking too her desk and smiling "yes?" the teacher grabbed her papers. "you're last assignment has not been turned in yet, so you have it with you? or do you need extra time" Leah grabbed out her folder taking out the worksheet and handing it too the teacher. "thank you miss Lloyd, have a safe halloween" leah walked out and yelled "you too!" leah ran too her friends "wait for me guys" she caught up too them and slowed down catching her breathe. "what took you so long?" Oliver joked around, And leah hit his arm. "i wasn't that long calm down!" "Now now kids" Someone said approaching us as leah turned around she noticed it was jared so she ran to him hugging him as tight as she can "i missed you so so so so so much!" leah said smiling with joy. They all laughed the rest of the way going home and going their separate ways. something leah never told her friends is a group of three girls would always bully her. "aww look who it is" leah knew who it was. It was sadie and her grow friends jessy and Sasha. "what do you want?" leah said in annoyance. "well we were wondering if we could hang out with you at your house on halloween!" she said walking infront of her. "cant people are already coming over" Sadie stopped "you have us over or you will feel pain like never before" leah hated getting her so she rolled her eyes "fine, as long as you leave me alone today and tomorrow...deal?" sadie smiled "deal" they walked away from her as leah ended up home, hours passed and she got ready for bed looking out the window seeing the same figure again and this time getting anxious and then closing her eyes. "it's not real it's not real". her mom entered her room "what's not real?" she said as leah turned behind her screaming "sorry i just said a spider" jamie sighed "alright it's 12 am go too sleep goodnight". As october 30 started to come to an end. everything would change by tomorrow.

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