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A/N. hello! this book is kinda really struggling to get out currently, I only write here when i'm bored, but thankfully i have a small attention span, i'll try to write as frequently as i can tho !!
(unedited) word count: 503

Iphis dried off the once soaked letter and kept walking to the front of the palace. Big silver doors about eight feet tall decorated with details of greek-styled statues carved into tiny portions of the frame. From the door sill to the top rail, natural shiny colours danced across the big gates. Iphis grabbed the door knocker (yes it is called that) and tapped it against the door thrice. He heard distant shuffling and footsteps clattering to some sort of polished floor before the door budged, Iphis taking a step back, slightly still worried about the condition of the letter.

The big doors budged slightly open, revealing two tall guards with spears and armour. "Who do you come here for, brittle boy?" The one guard asked.

"I come here from Mr. Watson. I bring a letter from him to the Duke," Iphis blurted out, intimidated by the tall burly guards in front of him, "You see, I am Mr. Watson's ward, Iphis Harlow Watson, sirs."

The guard that had spoken earlier whispered to the other, unintelligible murmuring was all Iphis could hear. Fiddling with his hands, he pulled the letter from his pocket and handed it out to the guards, but neither took it. Instead, they stepped back into the palace and closed the doors. Shock and confusion struck Iphis, not knowing what to do. He was about to turn around and start his journey back home before a young boy his height and age opened the doors once more again with the same guards standing each side behind him. He exhibited a mantle and small paper crown made to fit his locks of wavy black hair, that, in the sunlight, almost looked a mossy green. Rings adorned his fingers, his eyes matching a golden colour.

"What a pretty maiden! Why have you been sought out such a troubling task when you could be dazzled in the finest riches, dear?" The young boy entreated. Iphis was confused, is he talking to someone else? Is there someone behind me? Surely I mustn't have been mistaken for a mistress, he wondered, staying still, dumbfounded. The other soon caught on with a rather distressed look on his face, "You're not a paramour, are you? You're simply a winsome letterboy then!," Iphis nodded cautiously, still dazed by the beauty of the boy before him, "Oh, pardon me, I didn't mean," The boy rolled his hand, which had been placed on his side, "You are quite charming, I bet you could get yourself a whole kingdom with your looks! Ah, now, you are Mr. Watson's ward then, yes?"

Iphis still hadn't gotten over what th boy had said of him. Just the thought of how sweet and delicate his voice was danced through his mind.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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