St. Patrick's Day

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"Mm we're going to be late," Eric murmured. "We've got time," I said back, unwilling to let him get up. With a happy sigh, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders, kissing me. I ran a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his beautiful baby blue eyes. "Gosh you are so damn hot," I said. He smiled, giving me a quick kiss before resting his head on my chest. "You're pretty handsome yourself," he teased, running a thumb along my cheek.

I could feel the metal of his engagement ring brushing against my skin and smiled, taking his hand and giving it a kiss. "I'm so lucky you said yes," I said softly. He gave me a fond smile, propping himself up on his elbows on my chest. "Well why would I say no? You've been a perfect boyfriend for years and a perfect fiancé for the past 31 days," he said, kissing me on the lips. "Well not a perfect boyfriend, I did accidentally break up with you," I said with a grin. He rolled his eyes, tapping me on the nose. "You've since made up for it and the fact that that's the worst thing you've done is pretty good. Now come on! If we don't leave now we really will be late, and Eric always gets so sad when we're running behind and it makes me feel bad." 

With an overdramatic sigh, I sat up, letting him tumble off my chest. "Alright fine. But after we go drinking you owe me some cuddling," I said. He kissed me on the cheek, pulling me to my feet and dragging me downstairs. "You say that like I wouldn't want to cuddle with you," he said. I had just finished getting my shoes on when the doorbell rang. Eric pulled it open, giving the other Eric a wide smile. "Happy St. Patrick's Day!"  Carr said cheerfully, before giving me a flat look. "Tom, seriously? Not wearing green?" 

I shrugged, looking at my blue shirt. "Uh...guess not," I said sheepishly. Both Erics exchanged glances before pinching me on the arm. "Ow! Babe, come on," I protested. "That's what happens when you don't wear green," he said, lacing his fingers through mine and following Eric to Bruce's car. Bruce gave us a smile as we slid into the backseat. "Hey happy St Patrick's Day," he said. "Same to you!" Eric said, snuggling against me. "Are you designated driver for tonight?" I asked, hoping he'd say yes. "Mhm. So you two are free to get as wasted as you want," he said, driving off. "Oh I think I will," I said, already excited to get drunk.

Several hours later, I walked over to Eric at the bar, doing my best not to fall flat on my face. I ran a hand through his hair, which was curlier than I remembered, and frowned, squinting at him while trying to get my eyes to focus. "H-Hey babe, c'mon, lesh go," I slurred. Eric giggled, shaking his head. "I'll pass," he said, taking a sip of his drink. "Wh-what?! Why?!" I cried. "Well because one, you've got the wrong Eric, two, I don't like you like that at all, and three, I'm sitting right next to my husband who I love dearly and who I doubt would be too happy with me going off with another man. Oh and four your Eric would murder me," he said with a grin.

I blinked, sobering up enough to realize I was talking to Bruce's Eric instead of mine. "Oh," I mumbled. "Your Eric is over there," Bruce said, pointing across the bar. I followed vaguely where he was pointing, eyes landing on a pretty blond. "Mkay thansh," I said with a hiccup, stumbling across the bar until I reached my Eric and gave him a smile. "Hey blondie," I said. He turned and I did a double take. It wasn't my Eric, but a beautiful blond woman who gave me a smile. "Hey handsome. What can I do for you?" she asked.

There was a very small sober voice in my head that was very desperately trying to remind me I was engaged, but it was overshadowed by the much louder, much drunker voice saying that this was a very hot lady sitting in front of me who seemed like she thought I was good-looking too. "Damn, you're beautiful," I purred, brushing her bleached blond hair out of her eyes. "You're pretty cute yourself," she retorted. "Wanna show me if those lips are as good at kissing as they look like they are?"

"Gladly," I said, leaning forward and kissing her. My hand twisted further through her hair as we made out, with her arms wrapping around my neck. I would've been happy to keep going with her but a hand landed on my shoulder. I broke away, turning and looking at Bruce. "What?" I asked, annoyed that he had interrupted. "Hi Tom. Your Eric wants to go home, so we're leaving," he said, putting a heavy emphasis on the word 'your,' but I couldn't quite remember why he'd do that. "Alright. Bye blondie," I said, giving the woman a wave. "Bye hot stuff," she giggled, blowing me a kiss.

Bruce practically dragged me to the door, leading me to his car where his Eric and my Eric were waiting. "Hey shhhrimp," I said, giving Singer a smile and trying to kiss him. He didn't smile back, just pushed me away. "Don't push your luck," he snapped, cheeks flushed red with alcohol and apparent anger. "Oh. Okay," I said, giving him a confused look and trying to figure out why he was unhappy. But my brain was sodden with beer so I wasn't able to come up with much.

It was a pretty silent ride as Eric was just seething next to me while Bruce and his Eric were talking to each other quietly in the front seat. Eventually we reached my house and Eric stepped out of the car, pulling me after him as we said goodbye to Bruce and Eric. "Babeee come on whatsh wrong? Ihs Saint Parick'sh Day! We're shposed to be havin' fun!" I whined as he slammed the door shut behind us. "Shut up. Go to bed," he snapped. I caught his hand, pulling him to a halt. "What'sh wrong? Don' be mad," I said, putting a hand on his cheek, eyes crinkling with worry.

His scowl just deepened and he pushed my hand off of him. "We'll see if you remember in the morning. Now goodnight. I'm going to bed in your bed, you can go to bed on your couch," he spat. "But ish my house!" I protested. "Too bad!" he cried, shoving me away and storming upstairs to my room. I could hear the door slam shut and let out a sigh, grabbing a blanket and lying down on my couch. Shaking my head and wondering what the hell had gotten him so pissed, I dropped off to sleep, certain I'd be able to make things right in the morning.

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