Couch Snuggles (LazyBerry)

45 2 2

Chapter type: Fluff

Suggested By: @XxIllusionGhostxX

Ship Type: Underrated

Time: 11:13 am

Location: Undertale, Above Ground

More Information: The monsters have been released from the underground! Classic and Swap have been in a relationship for a little while, this will be there first date!

🤍Classics P.o.v.🤍

I shifted slightly, hoping not to wake Blue up. I just woke up a bit ago, what a surprise, only to see that Blue had come over and layed down on top of me and fell asleep leaving me trapped. I sighed, laying still again, 'Looks like I'll be stuck for a bit' I thought. I relaxed a bit, waiting for him to wake up, to be honest I'm kinda surprised he's asleep. Blue is usually up by 6:30 am so he can start his training, then he'll make us breakfast more around 11:30 am - I'm usually not awake at that time but he wakes me up so I can eat - before he goes to work for the day. He had the day off today, so I'm gonna take a guess and say he decided to be lazy like me today. This thought made a small smile spread on my face, as I lifted my arm and started to gently rub his back, letting out a silent yawn as I did so. 'Maybe I could sleep some more...?' I thought, still gently rubbing his back. Suddenly Blue shifted around a bit trying to find a more comfortable position, at least that's what I think he's doing. He gently grabbed my shirt, as he quietly hummed happily, this caused me to let out a small snicker.

"You're awake aren't you?" I said, calmly. There was a short pause, before he sighed slightly.

"Yea, I am." Blue responded, cuddling closer to me. My smile got slightly bigger at this.

"What exactly are ya doing?" I asked curiously. This caused him to look up at me and open his eyes, as he gave me a pouty expression.

"I've been denied snuggles all week, so now I'm stealing them!" Blue replied, adding an adorable evil laugh at the end. His laugh caused me to laugh as well.

"Ya know you could've just asked, right?" I said, as I slowly stopped laughing. He paused mumbling something to himself, to which I raised a brow. "Hm? What was that?" I said, in a slightly teasing tone. He glared at me slightly, and layer his head down on my chest still facing towards me.

"Y-You just looked really cute and happy, s-so I didn't wanna wake you up..." I replied shyly, grumbling slightly. I laughed slightly at this, but quickly shook it off.

"Aw, your so cheesy!" I said, giving him a goofy smile. He paused, burying his face in my chest, while grumbling again. "Hm, what's wrong?" I said, using my most 'innocent' voice.

"Nothing" He replied, his voice being muffled slightly by my cloths. I sighed, letting my smile faulter a bit, though I was still very happy.

"Alright, Alright! I'm sorry Berry..." I said, making my voice sound sad. He quickly look up at me and looked worried, until he meet my puppy dog eyes. He groaned and somewhat glared at me.

"Can you not joke for one minute?" Blue asked grumpily. I paused, thinking for a good response.

"Aw! Come on, ya know it's in my bones!" I said, and let out a laugh. He paused before giggling along with me.

"Keep up with these jokes and I might have a bone to pick with you!" Blue joked back.

"Tibia honest, I didn't really mean to bother ya." I responded shrugging my shoulders slightly.

"Man, your such a numbskull!" Blue said back.

"Man, do ya think ya lost your funny bone?" Replied in a joking manner.

"Maybe, I don't find these so humorous." Blue replies confidently, as he smiled proudly. I paused, getting ready to say another pun but as soon as I went to speak I yawned. "Are you sleepy?" He asks poking my cheek. I smiled and looked at him, a light blush coming onto my cheeks.

"Ya I am, is it okay if we nap for a bit more?" I ask calmly as I looked over at him. He paused, a light blush also visible on his cheeks as he thought of a response.

"Fine. Buuut" he said, dragging the word 'but' out a bit.

"Oh noooo! A catch!" I said with clearly fake fear in my voice. He smiled and giggled a bit.

"But, you have to take me out for dinner later!" He smiles proudly.

"Hmmmm" I gave a very thoughtful face, even though I've already made my decision. He glared slightly, causing me to laugh a bit. "I'm just kidding Berry! Of course we can go out to eat!" I smiled. "Now can we sleep some more?" I ask as I yawn again. He gives a gentle smile laying his head back down on my chest.

"Of course, I wanted to sleep in anyway!" He giggles slightly and snuggles a little closer to me. "Now be quiet, pretty please?" He asks softly, as he closes his eyes.

"Alright! I love you, sleep well!" I say giving a happy smile. I could feel his cheeks heat up a bit, indicating he was blushing.

"I-I love you too..." Blue mumbles slightly as he lets himself drift off, completely relaxing in my touch. I blush lightly as he lets out what sounds like a soft purr. I could feel his breathing slow down as he slowly fell asleep, helping me to relax, I smile and close my eyes as I let myself drift off slowly. The sound of his gently snores help me to drift off, along with the slow rise and fall of his chest as he breathed. I completely relaxed, and put one of my arms on his back gently rubbing it up and down. I let the darkness consume as I completely went to sleep.


Next chapter:

Bad Guys x Blue Fluff

If Ya Want Leave Suggestions Here ————>

I hope you enjoyed!! Also sorry, the ending got a bit awkward I didn't know what to put 😅 Stay safe everyone! ^^ and you should check out my other book I have posted :>

~Word Count 1048

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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