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Faith quickly zipped her jacket up as she walked outside into the cool breeze.

The temperature dropped the night before, and Faith wasn't happy about that for the simple fact that her sinuses were acting up.

She got inside of her car, sitting there for a moment letting it warm up. After that she drove off towards work.

She was kind of nervous coming to work today, since she's been avoiding Chicago for the past week. It was easy since he was out of town, for some other business, but today they had a meeting with the board and she knew Chicago never missed meetings.

As she pulled up she sighed to herself before turning the car off and getting out. She grabbed her stuff and proceeded to go inside.

"Good Morning Miss.Faith."Trevor the front security greeted her warmly.

"Good Morning."Faith gave him a small smile, before heading towards the elevators.

Before the doors could close a arm reached out making the doors open again. Chicago walked inside and Faith took a breath.

Chicago looked down at her with his piercing eyes scanning her, "Good Morning."His deep voice boomed making Faith nervously rub her arm.

"G-Good M-Morning."She stuttered instantly regretting it.

Chicago scoffed to himself as the elevator doors opened. They both stepped out and made their way to their own offices.

Faith sat down at her desk, and Chicago was instantly on her.

"I need all paperwork that need to be signed to me, I need to see our numbers from when I was gone. Also I need Taliah's album release date, have to get the album party planned as well."He picked through the folders on her desk making Faith push his hand away.

"Can you please not touch that? I have it all organized and ready to go for the meeting."She straightened the folders back up.

Chicago stared at her and took in her appearance. Faith obviously wasn't a ugly girl. She was actually cute to Chicago, he just never understood why she took all those beatings the way she did.

"Now back to what you were saying."She turned around and opened her file cabinet, "Here is the numbers, and here are all the signature papers. Taliah's album release date is in two weeks, her album release party will be next week on Saturday."She told him as she passed him all the papers.

Chicago nodded grabbing the papers, "Good to hear."He said before walking out of her office.

Faith plopped down in the plush black rolling chair, and closed her eyes for a second trying to control her breathing before opening them again, and continue to type on her desk computer.

"He is a handful isn't he?"

Faith looked up from her computer and locked eyes with this beautiful short caramel woman.

"I guess you can say that."She chuckled making the woman chuckle as well.

"Your Amelia's niece aren't you?"Christine asked Faith.

Faith looked up at the lady again and smiled, "You must be Christine..Chicago's mom."

"That's me."Christine gave her a warm smile, "My son have told me how you've been doing a good job up here."

"I'm surprised to hear that."Faith replied.

"Look hun don't mind Chicago, he gets that rude demeanor from his father Chico. He is actually a good person you just have to get to know him more that's all."

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