Chapter 4

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Julie: are you all set for the party

Savannah: yes I am

Julie: so is Thomas picking

Savannah: yes he is

Julie: well hope you have fun tonight

Savannah: thanks mom I will

Bret: Savannah Thomas is here

Savannah: ok I will be down in one second


Thomas: hey you ready to go

Savannah: yeah bye guys

Bret: bye

Julie: bye

At Thomas house

Thomas: ok we are here

Savannah: wow I really like your house


Savannah: there is a lot of people here

Thomas: yeah they usually are

Savannah: does your parents know that you have alcohol at the house

Thomas: yeah they don't really care what I do my parents are really cool

Savannah: I wish my parents was like that

Thomas: what do you mean

Savannah: like they want to know where I'm at and who I am with and what time I will becoming home

Thomas: they are like that because they are about you and you are there only child

Savannah: yeah I know I just wish that they can let me be free without them being worried all the time

Thomas: how about you have some alcohol that will take your mind off of thing

Savannah: yeah ok what do you have

Thomas: I have Tequila and wine and some mix drinks and a lot of other stuff that you can try

Savannah: how about the wine

Thomas: ok here you go

Savannah: thanks

Thomas: how do you like it

Savannah: it's amazing

Thomas: do you want some more

Savannah: yeah sure

A couple of hours

Savannah: what time is it

Thomas: it's almost twelve o'clock

Savannah: OMG I am in so much trouble I was suppose to be home hours ago

Thomas: ok then let's get you home

At the house

Bret: I wonder if he knows what time he should bring her home

Julie: I'm sure you told him 10:30pm

Bret: yeah I know what time I told him

Savannah: hey guys I'm home

Bret: do you know what time it is

Savannah: it's twelve o'clock in the morning

Bret: yes it is and what time did I told you to get home

Savannah: around 10:30pm

Bret: and why are you late

Savannah: we started talking for a really long time and I forgot what time it is

Bret: really

Savannah: yes

Bret: I don't believe you your grounded

Savannah: but dad

Bret: no I don't want to here it you are grounded for three weeks do you understand

Savannah: yes sir

Bret: good now go to bed

Julie: you didn't had to do that

Bret: yes I did I don't want her around that Thomas boy ever again

Julie: why because she was home late and they talked for hours

Bret: yeah

Julie: Bret I know that you didn't like her coming home late and I get it that you grounded her for a reason and I don't blame you

Bret: Julie what are you trying to say

Julie: what I'm saying is that you need to Trish her maybe her phone died and she couldn't call us

Bret: she could have used somebody else phone to call us

Julie: I know that but can you trust her please

Bret: yeah I guess your right

Julie: thank you now can we go to bed now please I'm tired and I know that you might be tired as well waiting up for Savannah

Bret: ok let's go to bed

Authors Note
Next chapter is up tomorrow

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