II:Final day

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Pure was peregnant,and she was treated with the purest water and tastiest pregnant cat food just for her,

Lulu is making a recovery,and she needs a lot of bandages.

Lulu sad to the doctor, "this is getting very cold,brrr!"

The doctor replied "Its for your treatment."

sadly Pure's babies were still birth.

The vet said "We have two orange babies that you would want to adopt."

Alexa and Pure were overjoyed.

While Pare is happily dancing in the car with Timmy giggling,

they noticed Alexa with Pure and two babies!?

One month later......

One looks like a heterochromic half cat-half jellywalker,named Solace.

and a bright orange one,Named cassidy.

Both were having a limp cause of the accident,and they were super cute.

Alexa,Cassidy,some doctors,Solace,Timmy and Pure were ready!

Lulu was placed in a Aircon pod in the back of the car.

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