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Keefe ran his hand along the box of his brand new laptop. He's been wanting one for months and even though his parents were rich, he'd say the money is the only thing they had going for them. Luckily, after hours upon hours of begging, they caved and finally took him to get one.

He carefully opened the box, pulled out the device and charger and pluged it in. Keefe wanted to have it started and set up before Ro, his aunt who is staying with them, came home from work and messed with him or suggested they prank his father.

Who could say "no" to that?

Bored, Keefe took out his phone and clicked play on his music app. Mellow tunes filled the silence as he switched apps and texted one of his best friends; Dex Dizznee.

Keefe had a short coversation with him, well, he thought it was short. They schemed for a New Years 'suprise' for their friends, a tradition between them, and before he knew it an hour had passed. Suddenly seeing a light in his peripheral vision, Keefe rolled over.

Finally, he thought, tugging out the cord and opening the computer, his refection in the dark screen staring back at him. Keefe ran a hand through his hair as he noticed how messy it was. Not the usual messy, but messy in a 'bed head' type of way. He figured he'd fix it later.

Sitting crisscross applesauce on his bed, back leaning on the stack on plush pillows behind him, he placed the laptop on his calves and turned it on.

Keefe spent a half hour putting im his information and personalizing his new laptop. Having memorized his father's credit card number, Keefe went crazy with the purchases. It's times like this that he loves having a photographic memory.

He was just about to close the app store when a random intrusive thought hit him. When was the last time I checked my Wattpad account.

Ever since he deleted it to free space on his phone, Keefe hadn't though once about the account. Last he remembered, he was reading a story by some fast food restaurant; something about lemonade. It was quite fun.

Without hesitation, Keefe entered the website in the browser and signed in. Just when he finally got his password, after what seemed to be the hundredth try, Ro burst through the door.

"I'm back, gremlin! What's good?" she practically yelled, swinging her pink pigtails. Ro was nineteen, only three years senior to Keefe, but she acted like the gap was ten years.

He must admit that she was cool. Regarding the earlier mentioned pranks on his deadbeat dad and her hair that she dyed for the umpteenth time just last week, he'd say she's one of the coolest people he knew.

I wouldn't say that to her face, of course, he thought.

On the topic of hair, Keefe wanted badly to dye his to piss off his parents, more, but the school has a rule against unnatural hair colours. Lame.

Either way, Keefe had a streak of pink in his hair and there's nothing they could say if they cant see it. Score.

"I finally got that laptop... Oh! And dad's credit card number!" he said enthusiastically. Ro ain't no snitch.

"You already spent from it, right?" she asked. Keefe just smirked at her. "High five!"

"What are you doing now? I'm bored, kid."

Keefe looked back to the screen as Ro plopped down next to him. " I was gonna read something."

Ro gasped dramatically, "You? Read?"

"Hey! I read! Plus, I'm not just gonna read some novel. It's- what the fuck."

Ro smacked him, "Language, twit."

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