chapter 1

494 27 2

tw// blood 


The wind echoed through the forest alongside some very heavy breaths out in the distance. A young woman had her head pressed against the trunk of a tree as she struggled to catch her breath. She looked all around her and let out a soft sigh of relief after she realized that they were alone. 

The woman looked down at the small shivering child beside her, her piercing blue eyes shimmering in the night's glow as she pulled her into a tight embrace. 

"Ma?" the little girl quivered. 

"Mhm.." her mother whispered into her hair taking in her warm scent. The two slowly started to make their way up ahead to the nearest train station. 

The small girl held on to her mother and didn't utter a single word. She could feel her mother trembling and even though she was small, she could still feel her mother's fright and that was enough to scare her. She looked back from time to time to see if he was behind them, she expected him to follow them but all she could see was the trail of their muddy footprints. 

She studied the platform in front of them and peered over her shoulder to hear slight paces behind them. 

"Ma.." the girl whimpered in terror.

"Shh.. it's okay, baby.. we're okay," the mother replied as she pulled them behind one of the pillars at the station.  She glanced around taking in her surroundings. It was freezing and she could feel herself going numb all over,  but she couldn't think about all that in a moment like this. 

She released a weak breath and sat the girl against the wall in front of her, she placed her hands on her shoulders and went down on her knees. 

"Mommy, I'm scared..." the little girl complained as she looked around the abandoned platform. A strong wind blew over the tracks which caused the tiny pieces of charcoal to rumble. The girl stepped forward to face her mother. 

"It's really cold Mom... and I think I'm wet.." 

The woman looked down sadly at her pouting toddler wishing she could help take her troubles away. But, there wasn't much that she was able do for her.

"Mommy... it's blood.." the girl realized as she felt the red substance in her hands. She raised her hand for her mother to check. She looked down to see the blood stains on her pants as well.  

"Mommy you're bleeding too... does it hurt?"

"No.. no, mommy's okay" she answered as she tried her best to hide how much pain she was in. She wrapped a scarf around her hand to ease the blood flow and layered the fabric to cover the deep cut from her very frightened daughter. 

She looked up and made sure that her eyes were in level with hers. Staring into her eyes caused her stomach to twist uncomfortably. Those hazel eyes. They were a mix of her own and her father's. 

"He's coming, isn't he?" she cried softly. At this time, she couldn't even hold back her own tears. 

"Yes love.. but don't worry we're going be okay". The woman took off her jacket and placed it around her daughter so she would stay warm. 

"Where are we going mommy?" the girl asked sincerely. 

"We're going to go far away, so the scary man can't get us" the girl nodded in understanding and reached out to hold her mom's hand. 

"I'm scared... what if he finds us?" 

The woman took her hand and squeezed it gently. 

"Don't be scared, Emmie. We're going to be fine and he won't ever find us okay,  I promise. " she watched as her mother scribbled a few things into a little card and tucked it into her little jacket. 

The girl's eyes met her mother's once again and her hand gently cupped her cheek. 

"I love you and I won't let anything bad happen to you... ever" 

The trains horn echoed from the distance and they watched the light slowly get closer to them. 

The two quickly made their way to the train and jumped into the nearest compartment as fast as they could. 

The sounds of the motorcycles were starting to get more apparent as a group of men began to get closer and closer. 

The train let out it's last horn and a man began to run in their direction. 

"YOU CAN'T RUN FROM ME MEREDITH, I'LL FIND YOU" the man screamed as the last train for today began to make its move. 

The girl held on to her mother as tight as she could and buried her face in her arms until the man slowly drifted away from their view. 

She held onto her daughter and let a tear roll down her cheek as his words started to ring in her mind. 



hey guys i wanted to write sm different and i just couldn't think of anything else for my other fic so i started this :) i'll try to update consistently but bare with me if i don't update. thanks for reading! and i'm really excited to finish this <3

- lola

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