Chapter 6: "We all deserve some happiness"

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Francis had tried to ignore it, but after speaking with Nostradamus, he decided something needed to be said. It was time he confronted Catherine. He found her reading in her chambers.

'I'm glad to hear Charity's recovering well.'

'Yes, Nostradamus says she made a complete turnaround. Almost miraculous.' He left a pointed pause.

'I confess I expected to find you spending time with her. I was surprised when Nostradamus mentioned you hadn't been to see her since her recovery.'

Catherine stopped her reading.

'Mother, what's going on?' Francis asked gently, joining her on the chaise. 'You two have always been thick as thieves and you fought so hard for her while she was dying. Yet now that she's recovered, you're nowhere to be found. You're hidden away.' Catherine placed her book on the table.

'What are you hiding from, Mother?'

She rose to her feet in irritation. 'Don't be ridiculous, Francis. I don't hide from anything.'

'You never have before.' Francis agreed. 'But you are now. Something's changed.'

Part of him couldn't believe he was instigating this conversation, but he wasn't turning back now. Whether she cared to admit it or not, he believed she needed this.

'I've been watching you and Charity for months now. It took me a while to accept what I was seeing, even with Bash in my ear whispering the same suspicions.'

Catherine whirled around in anger. 'You've been discussing my private affairs? With Sebastian of all people?!'

'Is that what is it then? An affair?'

'No, of course not. We're just... we...' Catherine faltered with her words.

'Mother, the way you fought for Charity when she was fighting the poison... I've never seen you react so fiercely for anyone who wasn't your flesh and blood. Who wasn't in your heart. I tried telling myself you care for her deeply as your closest friend, but it's more than that. Isn't it?'

Catherine, silent again, turned away from Francis. She daren't even look at him. He sighed in response.

'I know of Charity's feelings for you. That's long since been known, by pretty much everyone at court. But you've grown to return her affections. You love her, don't you?'

Catherine didn't answer.

'I'm not here to judge. I'm on your side, you have to know that. You will always have my support and my protection, should you need it. I just want you to be happy. But I can't help you unless you're honest with me.'

She took a moment, but finally she spoke.

'Except to do that, I'd have to be honest with myself first, wouldn't I?'

'You'd probably feel better if you were.' Francis suggested.

'I never expected this to happen, you know. I never thought these feelings... ' she licked her lips, searching for the right words. 'I knew how she felt about me, even before that ridiculous debacle with Lord Valentine. But I chose to ignore it. It seemed easier than the alternative. We'd already grown close as friends and I wasn't keen to risk losing that.'

'So what changed?' he asked.

'The night the engagement fell apart. Amidst the rumours, I went to comfort her - nothing improper,' she reassured Francis. 'Just as her friend - and I saw the pain on her face, everything she was carrying in her heart. Suffering and not from the loss of a fiance she had just been abandoned by, but from the protection their marriage would have brought her. Protection from those damaging rumours and the lie she was constantly having to live. 

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