The Plan

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*at the Byer's* Joyce: Hi Karen! What a pleasant surprise come on in!

                     Karen: Hi Joyce I came here to make  a little visit for Will? Oh and Eleven. He called me with her and it's urgent. Can I go see them?

  Joyce: Of course! Is everything ok?

Karen: Yup we will just talk for fun and maybe do some stuff

Joyce: Oh ok! Well, their in the back.

Karen: Alright, thank you!😊

*later in Will's room* Karen: Alright guys so here's the plan, when I throw the ' party' we make sure Hop and Joyce are close and then so me and Ted go to sleep while you and El play with the boys playing . 

Will: sounds like a plan, El you in?

El: YESS this is gonna be so good. Ever since Joyce adopted me she feels like an actual mom. And now we can all be a family. And I can have a real family.

they all smile

*the next day*

Will, El,Jonathan you ready? 

All: Coming!

*They walk in and  the boys greet  with Will and El and go in the basement to play D&D*

*Hopper and Joyce both chuckle at the kids*

They turn their heads fast- 

Hopper: Oh uh- hey Joyce.

Joyce: Hello Hop- 

Joyce gazes into Hop's deep blue eyes.

Hopper looks into Joyce's coffee brown eyes

They look at each other's eyes for a moment and Karen comes

Karen: Well hey there love birds

*they widen their eyes and space away from each other*

Karen: *chuckles*

*many moments pass by and it is now 11:25*

Alright guys it was fun being here and talking but it's late *says in a dramatic voice*I gotta go to sleep I'm exhausteddd😴 

Joyce: Well thank you for having us , Karen. Goodnight

Hopper: Yeah thanks goodnight, Karen.

Karen: Goodnight you lovebirds 😏

Joyce thinks*: Oh god Jesus ok

///////  Maybe I should tell him how I feel tonight...\\\\\\\\\\\\ *she bites her lip for thinking*

Hopper: Joyce you ok?

Joyce: Huh? Oh- yeah I'm ok I'm just thinking.

Hopper: Well uhh- I'm gonna go check up on the kiiiiiids and um yeah I'll be back 

Joyce: Okay.

*Hopper walks out and stops* *turns back to joyce*

Hopper: and maybe we can have a drink?

Joyce :chuckles yes sure.

Hopper Goes down to the basement

Hopper: Hey guys

All: Hi Hopperrr! 

He goes back upstairs

I think I just saw Jonathan go upstairs to Nancy's oooo what could we have going on😏

Joyce: *chuckles* Yeah well  that's how It goes on 

*later they have a drink*

El: I need to talk to both of you so like I need to talk to Joyce  first 

Both: Ehh ok?

El: Do you love my Dad?

Her eyes widened 

Joyce: That's quite a strong word , El... 

El: Oh cmon you love him,yes or no

///////authors noteeee ok make sure your sitting back and relaxed for this 

I can't ever lose you/ Jopper storyWhere stories live. Discover now