Hopper's Confess

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Joyce: Ok ok... Yes.

El: *squeels* you HAVE to tell him tonight!! 

Joyce: I- I don't know El....I'm worried he doesn't  love me back.. 

el: *yells in a whisper* Are you kidding?! Have you seeeeeen the way he looks at you?

Joyce: That proves nothingg

El: How do you feel about him?!

Joyce: He makes me feel safe.. and I forget my damn name when he's around and especially when I look into his deep.. ocean..eyes.. and I just stand their and gaze..

El: Wow. *chuckles* that's amazing.l I'm gonna go talk to him about it too I'll keep you updated...

Joyce: Well ok I guess...

Joyce goes back shaking a little bit but Hopper still notices

Hop: Uhh you okay?

Joyce says directly: I'm fine 

El: Ok Dad come overrrrr  * guiding him over*

Hopper: Ok ok.

El: Do you love Joyce? 

Hopper: Uhh next question please.

El: NO do you love her?! 

Hopper: Ok ok Yes I do... 

El: How do you feel about her?

Hopper: Uhh I admire her and I love  her. She is one of the strongest people I know. And she just- just lights up the room and her smile is just- heartwarming 


Joyce: Everything ok over there?

El blurts out, being helpless..


they all go silent

Joyce stuttering : W-What?


uhm she- she's right... I um- admire you and uhm and I love you,Joyce. You're the strongest person I know. And you light up the room and your smile is just.... heartwarming 

El says in a soft voice: say something to him Joyce.

 A tear falls down her cheek 

Hopper: Joyce I- I'm sorry 

his eyes tear up and storms up.

Joyce thinking: What have I done... I just made a man of my dreams just storm out and crying I know it sounds dramatic but in reality- it isn't.. 

Joyce: El...'ll be back I have to go talk to him and let him know how I feel the same way.

And a tear falls down her cheek as she rushes after 

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