Escaping Breaths of Healing

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Disclaimer: This au belongs to LinkedUniverse_Au on instagram and tumblr

The building was collapsing around them. Flames licked the walls around the three Hylians. Their footsteps thumped against the floorboards of the third floor.

    "We got everyone out right?" Hyrule asked while Twilight broke down the door to the next room.

     "Yeah," Sky replied clearing his throat. "The Master Sword isn't picking up any more signatures within this building."

Smoke billowed in their faces as they entered the room.

Hyrule squinted through his watery eyes. He caught glimpses of a stairway and railing on the far left.

     "Stairs down! Over there!" The traveler pointed before heading in that direction.

     "Careful," Twilight warned. "The floor is weaker and probably not as supported in this area."

As soon as he spoke, the floor beneath Hyrule caved in.

     "Hyrule!" Sky cried, reaching out to his friend.

The boy fell to the floor below.

Twilight pulled Sky away from the hole so he didn't fall also.

     "Come on! We need to hurry!" He lead Sky quickly down the brittle stairs. The pair rushed over to where Hyrule had fallen.

The air was increasingly hotter and smokier in this room. Sky pounded a fist against his chest in effort to clear his lungs.

He shook the traveler's shoulder.

     "Hyr-" he  attempted before erupting into a coughing fit.

Twilight glanced between the other two Links in worry.

     "We need to get out of here. This building probably won't last much longer." He helped Hyrule to his feet.

     Hyrule hissed as he was moved, "I am fine except for my left arm. Landed on it."

     He glanced at Sky who was doubled over with his hands on his knees. "You okay, Sky?"

The knight of Skyloft raised a thumbs up.

Twilight grabbed his hand and ran with Hyrule close behind. He kicked open the door and stormed down the hallway.

Sky stumbled along behind the rancher. His coughs started back up again and a sharp pain grew in his chest. His feet began to drag as they seemed to be weighed down.

Hyrule sprinted up next to Sky. He put his arm around Sky's waist and pulled Sky's arm over his shoulders.

     "Twilight! Slow down!" Hyrule demanded. He grimaced at the throbbing in his injured shoulder as the weight of Sky's arm agitated it.

The rancher glanced behind him blue eyes glistening with concern and slowed his pace.

     "Come help! Sky seems barely conscious right now!"

Without hesitation, Twilight copied Hyrule on Sky's right. His brows furrowed in guilt when he felt his friend's shuddering breaths against his side.

     "I'm sorry," he apologized.

The three boys rushed down to the final floor. Fire bit their heels as they ran toward the open doors. Flaming debris fell from the ceiling.

Twilight growled at the sight of the  burning doorframe. It began to crumble beneath the weight above it. They were too far away.

He quickened their speed once again. Just as the frame broke, the Hero of Twilight shoved his friends with all his might.

He heard Hyrule scream his name as he was cut off from them. He never wanted to hear that again.

He scanned the room for exits only finding flames everywhere. He wiped the sweat off his forehead. The heat of the building was becoming unbearable.

With a grimace he shifted to his wolf form. He was unable to hold back a whine as the hot surface burned his paws. Honing his senses, he found a spot to dig his way out.

After climbing out of his makeshift tunnel, Twilight shook the dirt off of himself and padded over to the two boys he had left.

Hyrule was hunched over an unconscious Sky, eyes closed. His hand glowing a warm pink was pressed against the Skyloftian's chest.

Twilight shifted once again and sat down next to the pair.

Just then, Hyrule opened his eyes. The teen gasped when he noticed the rancher.

     "I'm perfectly fine, Rule. I'm sorry for scaring you." Twilight reassured the traveler. He placed his hand over Sky's. "I'm just worried about you two."

     "I had to heal my arm before helping Sky." The younger hero gestured to his left. "I'm mostly okay now. Sky went out cold after coughing up lots of soot. I think I've helped him all I could. At least, he is breathing better."

    "I'm sure the others will find us soon." The rancher glanced around.

     "Sky is probably worried about us too." Hyrule let out a small chuckle.

     "Naw he's sleeping!" Joked Twilight.

The two laughed and Twilight felt Sky give his hand a slight squeeze.

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