Not so good news and a talk with Asley

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Chapter 27

Oliver picked me, but landed up picking me up from my ribs.'' OW!''I said as he put me down.

''What happened''

''What did you do Oli''

''Are you ok''

''Stop! And I'm fine, I just bumped my side into the kitchen table yesterday'', I said trying to hide the fact that I'm in real pain.

''Are you ok?'', A concerned Oliver asked.'' Yes, I'm fine'', I said trying to stand up. I couldn't so I sat down. Milo handed me my Caramel goodness.'' Thanks'', I said as I took a sip then I heard Noah say the worst thing that could happen to me.

''Guys, Dr. Karina phoned, we have our yearly check-up with her today'', he said and I was like hoping it was them and not me.

After Noah said that there were all groans.''Why, do we need a check-up'', Asher said as he sat down on the stairs, one step under me, Asher and Alexander followed.

''Can we not just skip this check-up'', Ashley asked sighing.'' yea can't we skip it, just this once?'', Alexander and Asher asked.

''No we can't and Licia your also getting a check-up'', Noah shouted from the kitchen, which wasn't that far. I flinched at his voice.

''Everybody gets dressed were leaving in 2 hours?'', Levi said coming in with a pancake in his mouth. We all sighed as we got up to get dressed. Well, they sighed and got up I just sighed and slowly got up.

''So what are you wearing'', Ashley said following me into my room.''I don't know, I'll see'', I said as she said something I didn't hear what and started walking out the door.''What are you going to wear'', I asked Ashley before she walked out.''Eh, I don't know either'', She said as she walked out.

I opened my Gucci bag(it like a pick n pay/Walmart/target bag but like silky, like Chanel )and got out one outfit that im supposed to be modeling. The theme was feeling grunge. I grabbed my clothes and got in the shower. After showering I put my clothes on and looked in the mirror, luckily you couldn't see any of my bruises, so I didn't need any concealer. I did my makeup which was light and natural and not like 6 layers of cake. After making sure my makeup was awesome I did my hair in 2 braids and 2 ponytails. I took 2 painkillers since my ribs were hurting. I need to buy more, I only have 2 left.

I was about to start brushing my teeth but then Ashley barged in without knocking. Literally, as I was about to put the toothbrush in my mouth and she came in. I mean im not complaining but I was about to start brushing my teeth.

''I am so happy to finally have a girl in the house, it's so hectic without one, and I like don't get any privacy at all, it literally boys'', Ashley said as she fixed her hair.''Lol, well im here now'', I said brushing my teeth.


Sorry it took so long to update

I've been kinda busy lately 

I will try to write more this weekend and post either Saturday but more likely ill update on Sunday

Anyways thanks for reading and thanks for 1.1K reads!

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