Broken 💔

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What the hell! Were she is! I ran down in a hurry and quickly started my car and drove to her hospital. I ran inside like no tomorrow.

Baekhyun:- Annyeong! I'm looking for doctor chaeyoung!

Receptionist:- She resigned yesterday.

Baekhyun:- What! When! What time!

Receptionist:- Yesterday night. What the hell I've done! Ahh! Chaeyoung plz comeback.


Baekhyun fall on the road and started crying loudly gaining everyone's attention. A man come towards baekhyun but baekhyun shout on him.


I saw baekhyun running out of the house. Let me call chae. As soon as i opened her chat i already have a text from her. How can she still care for him? Baekhyun will never feel what she have feel. Now i will keep her safe and will never let baekhyun see her or my grandchildren again!


While baekhyun was not home there come a letter for him only.


Eomma must know about her. I drove as fast as i could ( no use baekhyun she is gone) as soon as i went home i saw a letter written"BAEKHYUN" on it. A letter for me? Must be chae! As soon as i opened it broke my heart into million pieces...

To be continued...

Guess what baekhyun read in that letter?


Stay safe my dear bubbles love you so much ❤️

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