Chapter 2 (Nic)

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The ship groaned as its hull parted through the rough waters. The cream colored sails fluttered in the rough ocean's breath. Its glistening brown oak base was well polished, signifying a loved and cared for vessel. Hanging from the main mast, a lonely British flag danced in the warm breeze. A second flag with the words "Victory's Fortune" lay motionless below it, attached to the crow's nest.

On the deck of the ship, several men worked to keep the boat in order. Whether it was scrubbing the decks with a mop or raising fore sail higher, no one lazed about. Rubbing his eyes, a young man with bright red hair climbed up the stairs and out of the hatch to the lower deck, attracting a few dirty looks from the crew mates of the British ship.

"Damn it, Nic, they're gonna throw you off Victory's Fortune you keep sleeping in to nearly lunch time! It won't matter if you are the navigator's apprentice." A tall, skinny man slapped the back of the redhead's neck.

"I know, I know, Robert! The sea-sickness was really bad last night. Barely got any sleep." Nic groaned, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly. Robert rolled his eyes before continuing to saw a block of wood for ship repairs after the last storm.

Nic had a problem. He knew the journey to the Caribbean's Port Royal was soon going to come to an end, so he would be dropped off in Jamaica with nothing but the clothes on his back and a few coins from his services on Victory's Fortune. But that wasn't enough to survive. He needed more money to start a new life. Victory's Fortune would not be leaving the port to go back to Britain for months.

"Robert," he turned to the skinny man next to him, "will you lend me some money?" It was around 8 in the morning, and the crew had just begun breakfast. The oatmeal was quite runny, but edible.

"Why are you asking so suddenly?" Robert looked at him.

"I got nothing in my possesion, I'm not sure if I'll survive very long if I have no food."

"I'll tell you what," Robert whispered, beckoning his young friend to listen closely. Leaning his head closer to Robert, Nic nodded slowly.

"My wife and children are already at Jamaica. They got there months ago and have been writing me letters. They have a home set up, as my oldest son works as a gunsmith. You can stay with us for a little while so you can get back on your feet!" Robert whispered excitedly. Nic looked at him, shocked.

"I can't do that! I would be intruding!" he responded. Nic knew that he would have to provide for himself. He had survived extreme poverty before, he could do so again.

"Alright," Robert shrugged, "then all I can suggest, is you probably ought to try and hoard some stuff before you go." Nic stared at him, confused. Did he mean to steal stuff from his cabin mates?

Robert gave him a knowing glance before slowly standing up and dropping his dish in the basin. Nic studied the flakes of who-knows-what in his porridge bowl. Robert was right. If he just took things no one would miss, it will probably be okay!

After putting away his dish too, Nic tip-toed towards the captain's quarters. If anyone had lots of trinkets they wouldn't miss, it would be the captain of Victory's Fortune. If he just took a small thing every few days, would anyone really notice?

Slowly opening the hatch, Nic bent down, checking for signs of life in the small room. After seeing nothing, he dropped in and looked around. Boy, would it be nice to stay in a place like this! In the middle of the room was a large table, covered in tools that showed the positioning of the boat in comparison to the location they were headed in. Smaller cupboards and night stands were placed around the room, with a large bed nearby. Behind it, a set of windows sat next to a beautiful wood engraving of the King of Britain.

On the closest table to him, Nic saw a beautiful, oak chest. Opening it carefully, he was surprised to see it wasn't locked. Inside the chest laid a small compass, the contrast to the chest in size was incredible. Nic scooped it up in his hands, and placed it into his boot. Before he could get to the hatch, he paused. Coming from the top deck, the sounds of fighting echoed down to the captains quarters.

Peeking his head out of the hatch, Nic watched in horror as Victory's Fortune was side by side with a pirate ship. The flag on top of the other boat had an image of serpent biting its own neck. Nic leaped out of the room, slamming the hatch down. He grabbed a spare broadsword, and looked around frantically. Robert was pinned down by a pirate with a gun.

"Robert! Duck!" Nic shouted, bringing the butt of the broadsword down on the barbarian's shoulder, knocking him off balance.

"Thanks, Nic! Where were you?" Robert asked, quickly dusting himself off and grabbing a pistol laying on top of a nearby barrel.

"I was taking your advice about the money thing, when did these criminals get here?" he knocked into a pirate, causing him to lose his balance and fall into the waiting waters. Nic grinned. It seemed as though they were winning!

"A few minutes ago-" Robert paused, panic and alarm all over his face. Nic stopped cold, as someone behind him thrusted a long dagger to his throat.

"Get away! Any move against my crew and your friend here will die..."

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