chapter 2

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Jades pov

I woke up having a badd headach and sore face when i opend my eyes it was dark but the tv was on i moved my head a little to see were i am "ooooowww" i screamed pain flushing through my body so i just shuted my eyes crying then some one or thing toutched me "sweetie you ok its mummy ill help you" she said little scratchy.

"My face my head my body hurts mum why were am i" i said still haveing my eyes clossed

"Your dad hurted you and now your in the hostiple and you have some vistors with you" "open your eyes" "NO" i said crying "please sweetie" said my mum stuttering with that i opend my eyes onece again and saw 6 faces staring at me on my bed

"Who are they" i said before i passed out

Nialls pov

I herd a scream then saw sharl by the girl side i walked over and saw her crying

Her mother was talking to her softly i couldnt hear it so i sat down on her bed "please sweetie" her mum said with that she opend her eyes they were blue like the sky on a sunnyday no clouds in the sky

"Who are they" she said then she passed out

Her mum screamed/crying  then the doctor rushed in sent me and the lads out side and even her mum and then we heard a yell saying  "CLEAR" then silence

"Hello your Miss Moor" said the nurse happlie

"Yes i am you should know that is my daughter alright" sharly said with mixed emotions

"Umm well" the nurse said stuttering

"Umm what" i said annoyed

"Well shes fine her heart beat just droped Miss moor did you know your daughter had SVT (SupraVenticular Tacicardia)

"N-No ii-i did-didnt" miss moor said stuttering

"Well in the case of her heart shes gonna have heart surgry then she can go home after that" she said then walked of with us not saying another word

"Shes rude dont you think"said sharly annoyed

"Yes she is lets go and eat then confert her" i said walking to the cafè

"Sounds good" said the lads and miss moor

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When we were walking back from the cafè we walked into the room and saw getting put in a wheel chair

"Wers you going" i asked "to the bathroom i need to pee" she said giggling

"Shes on medication to stop the pain" said the nurse

"Mummy can you come with me please when i go weweeee"she said laughing her head of

"Sure thing sweets" said her mum then they left


"Lets watch a movie like a horror movie" said the little girl

"No youll have nightmares"said her mum worried

"Fine" she said

"Tell me about your self" i said to her even ive been with her for the whole night i didnt even know her name how old she was and how many siblings she said

"Ok well my name is Jade Im 12 yrs old turning 13 in June erm im brittish and irish i have 6 brothers and a mum ermm i have 3 true friends and yeah thats all" she said simply.

"Wow 6 brothers how old" " 2 in teenage yrs and and the other 4 are auldults and have children" she said happlie

"Nice" " im tired im gonna sleep now night guys" Jade said yawning "night" we all chorased then we all soon fell asleep.

Im sorry that this chapter is short i ran out of stuff but hope you like it so far plz commet and vote thx :P

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