Chapter 1

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*Crystal's POV*

The battle is over now. That's what I keep repeating to myself. The battle is over now. The survivors were either sat with their families, or huddled around dead bodies. I saw the dark hair with purple highlights of my cousin, Cherish Lestrange, and walked over to her. Glancing at the bodies she knelt beside, I let a tear fall. Her younger sisters -Saffron was only 18, and Tegan was 16. She'd have turned 17 in a week. What sick bastard murdered their own daughter? Bellatrix Lestrange, that's who. I stood up, ready to go over to Xander, when I saw the worst thing possible. My sisters. Cold, pale, unmoving. My heart stopped. Daniella and Dinah. Tears began to fall uncontrollably, and I felt myself pulled into the warm, muscly hold of a man. It wasn't Xander, I knew that. I could recognise Xander's touch easily. I tensed up, and the man holding me spoke.

"Don't worry, it's only me,"

I immediately relaxed. I knew Liam would never hurt me, he was my best friends fiancé, and the father of my goddaughter Lana. He had given me so many rights and responsibilities involving HIS daughter, that I had no other option than to trust him. 

"Where's Alyssa?" I eventually choked.

"Andrew, Brooklyn, Nymph and Remus are dead. She's by their side now,"

"How many people are there that are close to death but there's the chance of saving?"

"Roxanna, Laurel, Andrea, Diana," he paused at his sisters name, gulping. He continued to list their names, until I laid eyes on my parents huddled together with my brother. I hadn't seen them in 2 years, since father had disowned me for joining the D.A. I ran over to them, and father automatically pulled me into a hug.

"I'm so sorry for disowning you," he whispered. I nodded, crying onto his shoulder. 


A week later, Xander was crowned king. He'd looked so handsome, and I'd looked amazing too. He wore a dark robe, with a fur coat. I wore a plain white dress, as his mother had said it symbolised virginity and innocence, to which Xander had snorted. All our friends -well, the survivors at least- had been there, stood by his side as the princes crown was replaced with a kings crown, and he knelt down, so that the officiator could tap him on each shoulder with the elder wand (which Harry had so generously lent to the royal family for the day).

Then he stood up, and there was a round of applause. He smiled, gently picking up his prince's crown. Then he called for his 2-year-old son, Luca, and knelt down to his sons level, placing the crown upon his head, and tapping each of Luca's shoulders with his wand. I smiled, watching my lover and his son. Then Luca turned and smiled at me. He was 2 years old, but his learning was slow, and he'd only learnt to say "Daddy," so far. 

"Mummy," he whispered, and I felt a tear coming to my eye. His second word was my name, and not just my name. He'd called me 'mummy'

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