Part #4 Early Bird

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~ Tommy's Prov ~

'It's currently 4am in the morning and just adoring my precious Sydney sleeping, god she's so beautiful! How did I get so lucky?' I thought to myself as I smile down at her sleeping figure.

I decided to get up and go make myself some breakfast before Sydney woke up and started the day.

~ End of Tommy's Prov ~

~ Sydney's Prov ~

I start to stir in my sleep as I slowly wake up to feel the other side of the bed empty 'was this all a dream?' I thought to myself as I fully open my eyes and look around the room 'yeah no, definitely not a dream.' I said to myself in my mind, I sigh as I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom to do my 'business.'

~ 10 minutes later ~

"Sydney?" I hear someone call as I walk out of the bathroom after doing my 'business' "I'm here" I respond to the calling voice. "Oh there you are I thought u escaped or something" Tommy said as he was staring at me "Tommy c-can you please stop staring at me like I'm some sort of Prey please" I say a bit frightened but in a normal tone of voice "O-Oh! I didn't realize I was staring I'm so sorry if I scared you Sydney!" Tommy says as he hugs me "it's ok Tommy" I reply as I hug him back. "Now let's go downstairs to the kitchen and have breakfast I made for us" Tommy says as he gently holds my hand and leads me downstairs.

~ End of Sydney's Prov ~

~ Tommy's Prov ~

As I lead her downstairs towards the dinning room where the prepared food is, I think to myself 'what if she really did try to escape?' I sit down in my seat which is across from where Sydney is sitting "I hope you enjoy your meal that I made for you" I say to her as I start eating my food, "U think I will thanks Tommy" Sydney says as she starts eating her food.

~ 10 Minutes Later ~

"Did you like your meal Sydney?" I ask her as I take the plates over to the sink and start washing them "Yea it was good thanks Tommy" Sydney replies as she brings over the other dishes "Your welcome" I reply with a small smile on my face.

~ End of Tommy's Prov ~

~ Sydney's Prov~

"Sydney Get dressed in these clothes" Tommy says after he takes me to his king sized bedroom "What Why?" I ask him as I stare at the clothes he's currently holding in his hands "Because we are going shopping and getting you some new clothes" Tommy replies handing the clothes over to me "Fine" I say as I walk into the bathroom shutting the door and changing into the clothes he gave me.

~ End of Chapter 4 ~

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