Dying in my arms ~ oc angst

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Ok so there will be an oc in this one shot :) Her name is hakai Tenshi and she is hinatas bestfriend of a few years and she's basically family to him.
This one will probably be a bit shorter :)
Hakais pov:
"Bye sho! Cya tomorrow!" I called as he walked down the path to his house. He reached his door and turned around, waving at me.
"Bye! Text me when you get home!" He called back
"Will do!" I yelled and smiled as he walked into his house. I turned to the oath infront of me, plugged in my headphones and began the walk to my own house. It was eerily dark and quiet along the streets of houses, but when I got closer to the shops, it got busier. As I walked past one particularly busy shop, I heard a muffled scream but I whittled it down to the music and continued walking. I stopped and pulled my headphones out, curiosity getting the better of me, and then I heard it again. The sound of screams but this time it was louder, accompanied with the smashing of glass as I walked past the alleyway connected to the busy store. Just then, as of everything was moving in slow motion, a guy in a black hoodie and ski mask busted out of the store window, holding a gun and aimed it at a random women next to me. Without thinking, I dropped my school bag and ran at the women, pushing her out of the way just as the guys pulled the trigger. The bullet hit me hip and I fell, hitting my head hard on the pavement. The shooter and the woman ran away and I blacked out.
~ a few hours later???~
I groaned as I slowly gained consciousness, trying to grab at anything to try and remember where I was. I opened my eyes and shielded them with my arm as i was met with bright lights. I removed my arm from my face and looked around the room, my eyes landing in a snoring shoyo who was sleeping with his head on the bed next to me. I reached my hand over and gently shook him awake. He groaned and lifted his head, his eyes widening as he realised I was awake.
"Oh my god! Kai your awake!!" He exclaimed and hugged me tightly, sending a shooting pain down my side.
"O-ouch" I whispered and hinata bounced back.
"S-sorry!" He apologised and I shook my head saying it was ok.
"What happened?? Why am I in the hospital anyway?"
He sighed and explained how he had found me in the alley covered in blood. That somehow jogged my memory and I told him about the shooter in the store. We talked some more until the doctor came in with x-ray results. That was when he told me that I had a few months to live. Due to the internal bleeding in my brain. Only a few months. That was it.
~end of flashback~
Hinatas pov:
It's been a few months since that day, yet I remember it like it was yesterday. She was let out of the hospital for a few months and she was fine, until a few weeks ago when she fainted and had to be taken in and kept on medication to keep her alive. A couple of days ago I got a call from the doctor saying that the internal bleeding got worse and that she only had a few days to live. I cried for a whole day but hakai told me to stay strong and continue to focus on volleyball... so that's what I was doing.
Coach ukai served the ball on one side of the court over to the line of volleyball players infront of me. Each one of us revived the ball and ran to the back of the line to do it all again until coach made us practice receives in pairs. Everyone paired off  as I bounded over to kageyama, ball in hand, grinning eagerly.
"Boke we practiced enough this morning, how do you still have the energy?" He groaned but picked up the ball anyway. We practiced our quick serve a few times, each time I asked for "just one more"
"Boke you said one more 7 sets ago!" He complained, running his hand through his hair. I pouted and sighed
"Please just one more bakageyama" I pleaded and he sighed, throwing the ball up to set for me. Just as I was about to run, jump and hit the ball, there was a small smacking sound near the gym door. I whipped my head around and saw hakai holding herself up against the door frame.
"H-hey sho" she croaked and my eyes widened.
"No, no, no, no, no! You should be in the hospital!" I said frantically, speeding over to her and placing my hands on her shoulders.
"I-I know but I-I escaped...nurses are mean" she groaned, falling slightly.
"Oh oh ok. I need to take you back!" I panicked and tried to pick her up but she patted my head.
"No! Don't! I wanna be with you when I go!" She said and I lifted my head, looking at her, hurt clear in my eyes.
"Don't talk like that...please" I whispered "I need to get you back...you need to stay alive"
She shook her head and hugged my waist and falling to her knees, pulling me to my knees too.
"Just promise me, no hospital...I just need you" she croaked, resting her cheek on my shoulder and soaking it in tears. I rubbed her back and nodded reluctantly.
"Ok sure...no hospital" I replied. We stayed liek this for a few seconds before her breathing slowed and she started gasping for air. I slowly lay her down on the ground, resting her head on my lap. She reached her hand out and I grasped it slightly as her other hand found its way to my cheek, wiping away my tears.
"I love you shoyo" she whispered before letting her arm drop to her side. Her grip on my hand loosened and her head tilted to the side slightly. My breathing quickened and the tears started rolling down my face as I hugged her close to my body and sobbed. I breathed in and let out a choked scream filled with pain. I heard footsteps behind me and then a pair of arms wrap around me, pulling me close. Without thinking, or knowing who it was, I twisted around and sobbed into their chest. It was like my whole world came crashing down. I new it was going to happen but it still hurt me. Wait no, it broke me. I mean it's not everyday that you best friend dies in your arms right?
Ok so yea this made me cry while I wrote it lmao 😭 idk where I came up with this one but I just thought it would be a good idea. Anyway yea I hope you enjoyed this one shot 💞

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