Arc Rebecca be more like Gordon

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Chapter:6 On the Great Western Branch line, the engines were almost done with a job and almost done connecting to Arthur his Branch line. Thomas, Rosie help Sent Shunted Troublesome Trucks and the yard. After the Sent Accident, She didn't want to use Troublesome Trucks. Thomas said Sent I think you got it. Sent said Thomas you think so I mean after my accident when I crashed into great Waterton I thought I wasn't going to get used to something trucks. Then it was time for The work to be done and all the engines Now had to go in their shed. Thomas Went to Tidmouth Sheds Sent to ask Rosie where Thomas was going. Rosie said Thomas is going to Tidmouth Sheds, the Tidmouth Sheds, an old roundhouse at the end of the line where the Steam Team. Sent said how is the Steam Team? Rosie said Come on, let's follow Thomas. I'll show you who they are. And Rosie and Sent follow Thomas to Tidmouth Sheds. Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Emily, Sent and Rosie avrried Tidmouth Sheds. Emily said oh James you can go first. James said no Emily I think you should go first. Gordon said Oh the indignity Ever since that James and Emily Became a Couple They've been acting like this for god-knows-how-long. Edward said Come on Gordon James and Emily are Cute with one another and Henry is ok with James and Emily being a Couple. Percy said and Also don't forget that James is not bragging about his red coat paint! James said hi I grid that Anyway just because I don't Brag about my red pants that don't mean I'll still do it. Emily said ok James the Red ball is going into the sheds. James said to Emily I see what you mean. Then Thomas puffs up on the Turntable back down to the sheds then Thomas sees Rosie and Sent. Thomas said Rosie, Sent what are you guys going here? Rosie said hmm will Thomas Sent what to see the Steam team os I told her we can follow you to Tidmouth sheds! Rosie was Blessing Thomas said oh will Send those My, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Duck, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Emily, Nia, Rebecca. Gordon rolled his eyes when Thomas said, Nia and Rebecca. Edward said will it be nice to send you Sent. Percy said Thomas and Sent are it true you and Thomas are brother and sister? Sent said in a shy hmm yes we are and I do not like talking about it not to be a rod. Then Emily had an idea she said uh Percy James will do our mail run and my and Sent can do the flying kipper for Henry. But before Gordon, Percy, Edward, Henry, and Toby said why? Emily wink to the Steam Team Then Henry said thank you Emily and Sent will I need to do the coal run. Gordon said Edward came now to list the passengers. Edward said now Gordon you right Toby came you shunted Troublesome Trucks Philip at My station. Toby said yes Edward but I mean to tell Flora to help Stephen, Kyle, and Jesse at Great Waterton. And so Edward, Henry, Emily, Gordon, Percy, and Toby went to go do their night jobs but James said wait what Emily what do you mean and we do not have night jobs. Emily said come, James, can you do it for me and I will not use you and comment about your paintwork. James rolled his eyes and said ok Emily. Sent said wait Thomas I am going with Emily I'm not sure about this? Thomas said do not worry Sent Emily is it the best trustee and then I have ever known you don't need to worry. Sent said ok Thomas and puff to follow Emily. And o's Thomas and Rosie alone and Tidmouth sheds Thomas said will Rosie we are alone in Tidmouth sheds what do you what to talk about? Rosie said will he start first tell me what you won't talk about? Thomas said ok Rosie will. And so Thomas told the story of The Great Railway show Weber w arteries AKA Railway Series meditation. But Thomas wanted to learn about North America where Rosie came from but Rosie did not wait to tell Thomas about America because she I want to be embarrassed and also she liked Thomas if she told him about her then she'll feel butterflies in her boiler. Thomas said to Rosie that the story of the Great Railway show, do you have any more questions about it? Rosie said yes I done how did Ashima and the International engines? Thomas said oh will this be Before I met Ashima and the International engines and how do you know that? Rosie said Emily, Gordon, and James told Ashima? Before Thomas can say nothing they wend blue fiercely around Rosie's boiler. Rosie said bird it is cold out here today. Rosie was cold but she tried not to show it half Ironman and Driver already left for the home meeting they couldn't warm up Rosie. Thomas noticed this and said Rosie you are cold. Let me help you. I know your driver and fireman left her home but my fireman is still with me. I'll ask him to give you one of my hot. coal so that you can warm up. Thomas asks his Fireman to put hot coal in Rosie Firefox to warm her. Rosie said Thomas you do not have to do that I mean you need to call more than I do to keep warm. Thomas said will Rosie nothing's going to stop me from making sure that you are safe even in cold or times like this and besides I already have enough pull up it is to keep me warm. Rosie started to blush and Thomas and Rosie started to laugh then they went to sleep Thomas's fireman went back home. But at the back of the Tidmouth Shed,s it was Kate she heard what Thomas and Rosie said Kate said I did not list you Thomas you will be my one no matter the cost! The next day Sir Topham Hatt came to tell the engines to go to Knapford Station. You have a meeting but the only engineering was Thomas and Rosie. Thomas welled up and said oh good morning Sir Rosie woke up. Rosie said oh good morning Thomas and Sir. The fat controller said wIll I want you to tell The rest of the Steam team to mean me at Knapford Station for a meeting. Thomas and Rosie said yes Sir. Then Thomas said please Sir can Rosie come? Sir Topham Hatt said yes. And so Thomas and Rosie went to Knapford Station. Back to Spencer and Molly there still now Mainline Molly bid not to go first and was put on her break making sir Spencer doesn't go first. Spencer said Molly if you keep this up and we will lie. Molly said then please stop going first, Spencer. Then a signalman and swit the pint to put Spencer and Molly into the siding. Molly said finally we stopped no more going first. Spencer said this is stupid why Amana important engine I do need to be shunted. Spencer drove out of Spencer's cab and went to the signal box and talked. He came back and told Spencer and Molly they had to wait for an Engine to pis there. Then a Speedy engine Rocketeer by Spencer said deeming pissed and who is that? Back on Sodor all the Steam team Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Emily, Nia, and Rebecca won't to Knapford Station for a meeting Edward said will we be all here besides Ducks. Oliver said does anyone know why we're called here? Donald said, ''Why can't we all Bet On a new engine. Thomas said that Caitlin, Connor, Pip, and Emma will go to Peel Godred Branch line and Vicarstown. Gordon said I Bet that a new Express engine will help out with Express work it will be mine. Rebecca said in her head I think it would be to Chalet Horopter Road. All the Steam Team made their Bets Then Sir Topham Hatt arrived at Knapford Station. Sir Topham Hatt said Good morning Steam Team I have good news and for all of you. Percy said what is the good news, Sir? Sir Topham Hatt said Will the good news is that a new Engine is coming to Sodor and had a meeting with the manager, Mr. Percival, and The Earl and will we decided that Connor, Caitlin, and PiP, and Emma are allowed to up and down the line and Rebecca you will do the Express Chalet Horopter Road to Vicarstown Station. All the engines are happy then they hear a horn Rosie said who was that? Then the Engines arrive at Knapford Station she said Niihau Hěn gāoxìng jiàn dào . Rebecca, Percy, Nia, James, Gordon, Emily, Edward, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, Henry, Nia, Rebecca, and Rosie said what she said. Thomas said Niihau means hello in China. All the engines but Thomas said wow. Then the new engine driver got out of the new engine cab and said Sir Topham Hatt it is good to see you again. How is the lady hatt? Sir Topham Hatt said Conjure bow it's good to see you again and yes my wife is doing good. All the engines were excited but confused Rebecca said Sir how is Conjure bow? Sir Topham Hatt said will Rebecca, Thomas, Edward, Nia, Gordon, James, Donald, Douglas, Oliver, and Rosie this is Conjure bow he is the man how to build Hiro class, Hong-Mei class, and Yong Bao class and the engine name is Kana a new class of bullet train. Percy said bullet train what is a bullet train? Conjure bow said High-speed rail is a type of rail transport that runs significantly faster than traditional rail traffic, using an integrated system of specialized rolling stock and dedicated tracks. Percy said why that is a cool Engine. Kana said Xièxiè ěr . Conjure bow said just a heads up for all of you, she only speaks China not English. The Steam Team said ok will Kana welcome to the islands of Sodor! And so Sir Topham Hatt gave the engines their jobs Rosie and Thomas went back to Great Western Branch line Sent went to get ballast and bring it to Great Western Branch line Toad said and so Mrs. Sent that is how I saved James and action-packed Adventure called a busy going backward. Sent said that it is cool Toad has no idea you had an Adventure Toad. Then Sent sees a little engine fly by Sent said what on Sodor was that Toad bid you see that? Toad said Mrs. Sent I can't see I am in the back. Sent said I am scared to hold on Toad I am getting out of here. Toad said Mrs. Sent wait stop the little engines are. But before Toad can say anything Sent puff underneath a bridge and locked on her break not even her fireman and driver or Toad cheer up. Then the little red engine said hi you down there can you puff up with your truck I can't fill up your truck if you stop halfway. Sent said wait James is that you or is it Rosie or Victor and Winston. Then the little engine said James, Rosie, and Winston no my name is Mike. Then a little green engine said hello. What is your name? Sent went back to being shy but Toad told Rex and Mike how is Sent. Rex said so you are Thomas's sister I had no idea that Thomas had a sister. Mike said since they're both E2 I guess they are brother and sister like Gordon and Flying Scotsman are brother and brother. Jocks said Sent it ok on my old Railway I was scared of news sites that had on my route but I learned a lot and now I'm not scared anymore but thank you for learning where my name is Jocks. Sent felt better and then I felt shy anymore she said my name is Sent. Frank said Rex and Mike get back to work and stop talking to a silly little engine. Bert said don't listen to Frank he is got want attention my name is Bert and you are Sent Thomas's sister right. Sent said yes why are you guys so small not to be rude. Sigrid of Arlesdale said we have little wheels for little tracks designed to carry ballast and other than shells to the railway. Sent said Thank you Rex, Mike, Frank, Bert, Blister 1, Blister 2, and Sigrid of Arlesdale you have A Beautiful Line. And so Sent puff off to the Great Western Branch line. Back on the Great Western Branch line, Rebecca was getting ready to take the express to Kell's Thorpe Road stations to Vicarstown station and end at Barrow stations. Caitlin said are you ready, Rebecca. Rebecca said yes Caitlin I am. Caitlin said go now you need to start at Tidmouth then go through Knapford Station and Wells Worth Station then stop at Kinda Need stations then keep going until you reach Kell's Thorpe Road then you will stop twice at Vicarstown Station and Barrow Stations you got it. Rebecca yes but that is a long journey. I hope that place has got a stop at half coal and water. Rosie said hi to the Flying Scotsman for me. Rebecca said I will see you there Caitlin. And so Rebecca set off to Tidmouth Stations Caitlin said I hope Rebecca can do it after all this is a run that only Flying Scotsman can do. Thomas said don't worry Caitlin Rebecca can do it I hope? Rebecca arrives at Tidmouth Stations while she's waiting on her passengers to get on board the Express. She was thinking about how to be more like Gordon she said hmm I think I won't be like Gordon. I need to be faster. Hmm, I should go 100 miles per hour just like Gordon when he first arrived.
Then Rebecca hired an engine talking one of the engines said please stop Bash, Dash, and Ferdinand. You need to shunt the Troublesome Trucks in tracks 1 but you put James' Trucks in tracks 9! Dash said sorry Crovan we will put the Trucks back where they go. Bash said but where do we put the Troublesome Trucks and James' Trucks go? Ferdinand said That's right. Crovan said just fright it man we need nothing engines and a new Crane to work here. Rebecca said wait, that is it I can find the engines in Barrow Station but now? Then the guard blows the whistle and Rebecca blows her whistle and puffs off to Vicarstown Station and Barrow Station. Back to Spencer and Molly, they arrive at Knapford Station Spencer said finally I'm done with this delivery now I am ready to Paul my special coaches,d take the Duke and Duchess all around. Sir Topham Hatt said Thank you, Spencer and Molly, for your delivery now Molly you can go back to the Arthur Branch line and Spencer you will go to Peel Godred Branch line and help out in the Great Western Branch line to be it's a good engine. Spencer said WHAT BUT BUT BUT! The Duke of Sodor said no but Spencer does not think that we know that you worked with Diesel 10 and is the road to all the engines on Sodor so this is your and to add on it we told you to Sir Topham Hatt meeting we don't own you anymore. Spencer said But Duke you do not understand I'm the private engine you can't sell me anyway who is going to be your private engine? The Duchess of Sodor saw a bullet and engines sleeping in a siding The Duchess said will I guess we found our engine hi you over here. And the Duke and Duchess of Box Ford run to talk to the owner of the bullet engine sleeping in a siding but Conjure bow was confused he had on the idea that how the Duke and Duchess of Sodor are Sir Topham Hatt said will Spencer you sod git going if you want to prove yourself I need to help out Conjure bow! Spencer puffs sad to the Peel Godred Branch line to start the good run. Back to Rebecca when she arrived at Barrow Stations she said that was a good run but I am tired. Caitlin said that it was amazing Rebecca thought the Flying Scotsman would be jealous of that line run. Then the Flying Scotsman pulled into Borrow Station Rebecca said hello Flying Scotsman how are your friends? Flying Scotsman said I won't be a surprise but sent you guys to ask Rebecca, Caitlin, Connor, PiP, and Emma to meet Tornado, my girlfriends! Rebecca said Scotsman I had no idea you had a girlfriend? Tornado said it is lovely to see such famous engines. Flying Scotsman said please don't talk to Gordon. I won't surprise Gordon and see the look on his face! Tornado said that's why I like you Scotsman you are full of surprises hmm. Rebecca said Tornado said it's nothing, Rebecca. Scotsman said no honey please tell them I want to know if you've been acting like this ever since I was in the Great Railway Show? Tornado said will Scotsman want to Sodor and see everything? I just stayed back in London and don't say anything whatsoever! Flying Scotsman said do worry Tornado will see the lands of Sodor one day and meet my little brother too. Tornado said to the old Scotsman that's exactly why I love you, you're nice and kind and always treat engines with respect. Back to Percy, Henry, Gordon, James, and Edward they had a time out of their work so they decided to talk to one another about how their day was before going back to their work. Gordon said oh the indignity stupid Duncan calling me a galloping sausage say my brother is smarter and better than me. Edward said Gordon what did Duncan do this time to you? Gordon said will Edward if you must know I stopped at want to skarloey stations to pick up passengers for the express then Duncan out of nowhere something says you know your brother can do a way better job with the expressing you there 10 minutes late matter fact the whole Express is the way your dad talked to your brother for a Rebecca for all I care it's disgraceful that a little engine from a little Railway can boss around me, Gordon. James said well Gordon Duncan is right you always are laid with the express all because of Henry and Edward and Toby leaving Tidmouth Sheds. Gordon said at Alief naughty engine crash into the sides. Then Emily blew her whistle and said ok James and Gordon break it up stop fighting now let's talk about something else besides what happened to Gordon okay? James and Gordon said ok. Henry said you know Emily it was a good idea for Thomas to make you second-in-command of the steam team. James said will Thomas Chateaugay the leadership to me after all I am a red-blooded engine and not an emerald green loser like Emily. Emily hid this but she didn't get mad she was going to play around with James she said JAMES LOOK OUT THAT BEE THAT STING YOU LOOK THOSE HERE GO IS OUT TO GET YOU! James said very funnily to Emily by remembering that the vicarage orchard kept the bee safe in his Hive there's no way on Sodor that he's going to come after me. Then James heard bee noises coming from behind him and said I'm coming to get you, James! James said NO PLEASE DON'T GET ME MISTER BEE I PROMISE I WON'T MESSENGER BEEHIVE EVER AGAIN I lEAVE IN PAINTED YELLOW BLACK to APPRECIATE YOU! Then Emily, Percy, Edward, Henry, and Gordon started to laugh James said wait why are all of you laughing stop laughing. Then James looked and Saul Percy painted a yellow and black Pinterest like a bee. James weather as red as his paintwork and said wow you all played me real funny you shall all win an award Award for the best engine to scare a red engine it's not funny at all. Percy said will James it was little fun especially when you were screaming. Then Thomas and Toby puff to the group Emily, Henry, Gordon, Percy, and Edward said hello to Thomas and Toby. Thomas and Toby said, hello group. Thomas said Now Emily, why did you guys leave me and Rosie in Tidmouth Sheds? Emily said all of Sodor no Rosie loves you so we decided that you and Rosie should have alone time with one another. Thomas was rather than James paint worth he said Emily I told you and all that my and Rosie are not a couple we are friends first Samson now you guys what about Toby and Belle. Toby said me and Belle are not a couple living a single life. Percy said ok Toby life the life I guess. Thomas said Percy what's wrong are you okay? Percy said no Thomas I am not ok Gater my one true friend is gone and we have no idea when Duck, Hank, Hiro, Murdoch, and Neville are coming back my and Samantha I trying to look for a Gator but he is nowhere to be found! Percy started to cry. He missed the gator and Duck, Hank, Hiro, Murdoch, and Neville. Edward said do worry Percy I will help you and Samantha find Gator. Percy said thank you, Edward. Back to Rebecca what about relieving Barrow Stations when she hears steam now coming from an old Shed next to the stations. Rebecca said wait what was that it showed like a steam engine 4 steam engines. Rebecca driver said come on Rebecca let's go. Rebecca said to the waiting driver, do you hear that it sounds like a steam engine?'' Rebecca's driver hears it from her fireman and said I thank it is coming from the shed. And so Rebecca puffed to the old shed she said hello who is that here my name is Rebecca I am from Sodor? The engine said wait you are from Sodor I me to and my name is Barry and his my is Jinty's and Wilbert we are escaping. Rebecca said from what? Wilbert said scrap. Rebecca started to Rattle and Shake in fear but then she asked a question she said where are your fireman and Driver. Jinty's, Gibbsy, and Wilbert told Rebecca and her Corral that they sold the engines meaning that they don't want Jinty's, Gibbsy's, and Wilbert's no driver or fireman only Barry is a driver and fireman they chose not to so this engine and keep him. Rebecca said that is terrible. I am so sorry that they did that to you! Then Rebecca remembered what she heard at Tidmouth good yard she said Crovan needed a new engine at Tidmouth good yard do worry Barry, Jinty's, Gibbsy, and Wilbert I am taking you guys to Sodor I'll send my Express so that you guys can couple up to it. Barry, Jinty's, Gibbsy, and Wilbert are happy. Why did Rebecca puff out the old shed to Diesel roll up and said hey what are you doing and why were you in that shed? That shed was supposed to be demolished 10 weeks ago. Rebecca said hmm I was just looking inside the shed to see that if it was roomy for me to stay at! Spam can say wait you're still in service your class should be scrapped by now I guess they forgot this crap you. But before for Spamcan, it buffers on Rebecca Tornado said so what and last I checked Spam can your class's oil to and it was planning to scrap your class of Diesel so might as well start running if I was you. Spam can say Yahoo snubs stupid and steam engines. And Spam can roll away Rebecca said thank you tornado what can I do to thank you! Tornado said how about get your Express sent it already PS if you want those four of those engines out of there safely put them in the back and say you're taking them to another place that they can be scrapped. Rebecca said how did you know that there were 5 engines in the shed? Tornado said let's just say I always passed the station and felt horrible for Jinty's, Gibbsy, Wilbert, and Barry. I can't believe some people will lead their steam engine for other people to sell so disgracefully anyway see you later Rebecca. Rebecca said see you later tornado now come on guys let's go to Sodor. Rebecca shunted Jinty's, Gibbsy, Wilbert, and Barry to the Express and they were a couple and they are off to Sodor. She puffs at her top speed 105 mph beating Gordon's old speed and his brothers she puffs through Barrow Stations and Crowan's Cate and stops at Kellsthorpe Road Stations Rebecca said few I am tired but we arrive on Sodor and I'm right on time to what do you know. Then Nia puffs up she was helping out Percy with his mail run Nia said hello Rebecca you are here really early super early in fact. Rebecca said yes I know better late than red I thank I went faster than a hundred miles per hour the same speed that Gordon Flying Scotsman can do. Nia was so shocked that she had nothing else to say next. Rebecca said oh that's my guard I must be off the express cannot late see you later Nia. And Rebecca puffed away to Tidmouth Stations she was uncoupled from her couches. Then Crovan puffs up to collect Rebecca's coaches that I had so he can shunt them away. Rebecca said don't worry Crovan I can shut my couches you can go have a break. Crovan said ok Rebecca you know you are way better than Gordon you know that right I mean he doesn't even shunt his coaches when he's over here. Rebecca was happy with the Crovan compliment because she was sad that Crovan said she is better than Gordon in every way. She takes Jinty's, Crovan, Gibbsy, Wilbert, and Barry to the shed outside of the Sodor Steam Works and she puffs back to the Great Western Branch line and slides slowly into the side before falling asleep. The next day the workmen found out 5 engines in the sheds they called Sir Topham Hatt and told him that five engines that look like that they have not been used at all I have been in that out in the sun for god-knows-how-long are in a set Sir Topham Hatt order that all of five engines can be repaired what he wanted to know who brought those five engines to Sodor?

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