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Life after the war was not what Hermione had imagined. She had a plan, of course she did, but maybe she had been a bit foolish in thinking that things could go accordingly for once. She took her time to grieve for all the losses of friends and family members that the war had caused.

It was harder than she thought. The first few months were the worst. She spent days crying locked herself in her bedroom at Grimmauld Place and refused to talk to anyone. Not that there was really anyone around. The Weasleys were back at the Burrow grieving for Fred, and Harry was... well, somewhere blaming himself for everything that happened.

Until one day she decided it was enough, thinking that professor Lupin, Tonks, Fred and all the loved ones she had lost wouldn't want her to waste herself like this. So she tracked Harry down, gave him a good talk like only she could do and started planning.

The first thing to do was getting a job, which wasn't difficult considering the many offers she had been given by different ministry departments and she had already decided that the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures was the one for her.

Next on the list was looking for a new living space. Hermione was currently residing in Grimmauld place but it was dreary and full of painful memories and the company of Mrs. Black's portrait was not exactly pleasant. She needed a change of scenery. And with the reward she received from the Ministry for her actions during the war she could more than afford one. But since she didn't want anything extravagant she settled for a comfortable flat in muggle London.

Things with Ron were... okay. After the kiss during the Battle of Hogwarts they decided to try dating. She was happy, for the first couple of days, after all it was what she had been dreaming about for years. But then reality kicked in and she realised how poor suited they actually were. They did spend a lot of time arguing. Still, Ron was adamant that it was just a phase and they were still recovering from all the hardships they went through the years, that they were perfect for each other. Hermione thought it was just wishful thinking, they were best friends and it was supposed to be easy, comfortable. In theory. But Ron was still grieving and Hermione didn't want to give him any more heartache. So she gave their relationship a shot but her heart wasn't really in it.

And now things just got even more complicated. She was moving to the other side of the planet and she wasn't exactly looking forward to have that conversation with her boyfriend. Still, it had to be done.

That's why she was currently sitting on the couch in her living room anxiously waiting for Ron to arrive by floo.

She didn't have to wait long. Barely two minutes later the fireplace roared and Ron appeared out of the green flames.

"Hey, 'mione. I got your owl, is everything all right?" greeted her Ron as he made his way over to her to give her a peck on the lips.

"Hello, Ronald" replied Hermione.

Her mouth suddenly went dry. She didn't want to say it out loud, it was too painful.

"I..." she took a deep breath before continuing "I had a meeting with Kingsley yesterday. He had some news for me... m-my parents... they're dead. Death eaters killed them, t-they think it was Dolohov." she was sobbing now, she couldn't say any more.

"Blimey 'mione, I'm so sorry!" gasped Ron, pulling her into a hug to offer some comfort.

After a few minutes of crying she stepped out of his arms and composed herself. She observed him for a moment. He was muttering unintelligibly under his breath now. She may have caught a "fucking Dolohov" in the midst. He looked enraged, not really a new look for him lately so it was now or never.

"Ron, it's not everything..." she trailed off.

He stopped his ranting and gave her his attention.

"My other relatives, I may have mentioned them to you once or twice, they live in America. Doholov... he won't stop until he gets what he wants, and that is breaking me in any way he can. I'm afraid that they will be his next target and I have to protect them."

A look of understanding crossed Ron's face but he didn't say anything, he just stared at her. So she continued.

"This is my responsibility, so I decided to join on the mission and move to America. I-I don't know how long I'll be gone and it will be difficult without you and your family there but I have to do this. I'm sorry."

She was trying to keep a cool façade but she was failing miserably with the look on Ron's face getting colder by the minute. He still didn't say anything. After a minute Hermione couldn't take any more of the oppressive silence.

"Please, say something Ron"

"So you're leaving me. Now that I need you the most" he said, his voice hard.

"No, Ron. It's not like that-"

"Tell me then how it is Hermione. I just lost Fred, how can you do this to me!" he was practically shouting now.

Hermione was getting angry. How dare he!

"I lost someone too, Ronald! For Merlin's sake, my parents were murdered!" she shouted back.

She stared at him and recognised the look his face, the one he got when he was about to say something purposefully cruel.

He did not disappoint.

"It's not the same! You had already lost them and it was your own fault. You killed your parents."

Hermione was furious by this point. She was hurt. And heartbroken. Her hair was crackling with energy and she felt her magic on the tip of her fingers waiting to be released. She was a terrifying sight.

"Leave. Now." she ordered.

Ron realised his mistake then, but Hermione was too angry. He spun on his heels, quickly reached the fireplace and disappeared through the floo. But not before a wandless and non-verbal Stinging Hex hit him.

Hermione was stunned, unable to comprehend how she managed such a thing.

Served him right though.

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