Chapter 16: beach

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***The girl on the top is who will be playing as Lana.

I was awaken by the bed moving. I opened my eyes to see Jack facing me as he laid on his side. He was just looking at me while smiling.
"Good morning" he said with his raspy, sexy, morning voice.
"Good morning" i said while looking at this hot guy laying next to me. He got up from the bed and stretched his muscles. He was shirtless, and i couldn't help but stare. I need to thank his mother and father for making such a hot person.
"Want breakfast?" He asked.
"Sure." i said while also getting up from the bed and checked the time on my phone. It was 11:37 a.m. I'm surprised i slept this long, It would be 2:37 p.m on the east coast right now. I followed Jack to the kitchen, which was huge, and sat down as "the chef worked his magic" like Jack said. He is making pancakes and bacon for us and the rest of the people in the house. I guess i haven't met all of them yet? Jack said there are a couple more people. I'm just glad i'm not the only girl staying here.
Everyone i've met so far are really nice, very touchy, but nice. Jack started singing and dancing with the faint music that was playing on the tv in the living room while he made breakfast. I laughed at how much of a dork he is. Once he was done cooking, he set a full plate in front of me. "Your breakfast madame" he said in a french accent.
I laughed. "Thank you sir" i said in a british accent. I started to eat while he called everyone down for food. People started to pop into the large kitchen. Some familiar faces, some faces that i only recognize in pictures with Jack, and some people i don't recognize at all.
"Don't you have some introducing to do G?" A guy that i recognize that was in one of Jack's pictures, but i don't know his name.
"Right" Jack said
"Everyone that didn't meet her yesterday, this is Lana." He said while pointing towards me.
I felt kind of awkward because they were all looking at me.
"I'm Mack, and this is my girlfriend, Reagan." He said as he gestured towards the pretty girl next to him.
I smiled. "Hi, i'm Lana. Nice to meet you." I said politely.
"Hi. We heard so much about you! Its nice to meet you too." She said with a smile.
"And this is Mike, John, Emily, and Kayla." Jack added. We all exchanged "hello"s, and "nice to meet you"'s. Wow, i've met so many people today and its not even 1:00 yet. We all sat down and ate, as we all talked and got to know eachother. Everyone was asking me questions about Jack and i. It was cute to see Jack blushing so much.
"So since this is the first day that Lana is with us, what are we doing today?" Johnson asked Jack.
"How about we go to the beach?" Jack asked. We all agreed with the beach since the weather man said its 91 degrees. It's my first time going to the beach in 3 years, so i guess you could say i'm pretty excited. Once everyone was done eating, i helped Jack clean up and then we went to our room to get ready. I picked out my all black bikini and went in the bathroom and put it on. When i came out, i felt Jack's eyes on me. I smirked to myself as my back was towards him while i was putting my clothes in my suitcase that was next to the bathroom door. Jack got his swim trunks and headed to get changed in the bathroom, but not before he felt the need to smack my butt. I squealed a little at the action i was not expecting. I gave him a dirty look while he smirked at me. We both laughed, and he closed the bathroom door to change. I put jean shorts over my bathing suit, and got my bag together. Once Jack and i were all ready, we went down to the living room to find everyone else in ready in their bathing suits. Everyone started to get up once they saw us and we all headed out. The beach house was right on the beach, so we all walked. I took in the salty ocean air, the tall palm trees that were lined up across the side of the board walk. I jumped with excitement as my toes touched the sand. Its been so long since i've been to a beach.
"Do you want to go in the water?" Jack asked.
"Of course!" i exclaimed as i took my shorts off quickly.
"Damn, Lana." I heard someone say behind me. I turned around to see Sam with a smirk plastered on his face. I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Chill bro" Jack said to Sam while shooting him daggers. Sam put his hands up in defense. Jack intertwining our fingers. i slightly laughed, and pulled him towards the ocean.

after about 2 hours of being in the ocean, having splashing wars and playing volleyball, we decided to leave and go out to dinner. In the last 2 hours i got to get to know the girls, and spend time with them, they were really cool. Once we all got home, Jack and i headed up to our room to get changed into real clothing for dinner.
"So, how do you like everyone so far minus Sam?" Jack asked while looking for a shirt to wear.
"Everyone is great. I really love it here"
"I'm so glad, baby. I'm gonna make our summer together memorable, and no ones going to mess up the fun we're gonna have."
i hoped you like this chapter.

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