Nerd gets Bullied

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Hi I am Chris

The reason I look so sad is because I have to go to school and I do like school it is just that this dude named Mike bullies me every day I go to school and I am really scared so I don't want to go to school

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The reason I look so sad is because I have to go to school and I do like school it is just that this dude named Mike bullies me every day I go to school and I am really scared so I don't want to go to school.But I  am not the only one who get's bullied Mike bullies lots of other kids in the school oh well.I am going to be late I have go I am so scared.After three minutes I finally got to school this is my school

Yes it looks really nice and very big but inside is even bigger

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Yes it looks really nice and very big but inside is even bigger. I will go inside now this is my class room

 I will go inside now this is my class room

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Ok now I see Mike this is how Mike looks

Yup he doesn't look so harmless but he is

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Yup he doesn't look so harmless but he is.This is the sixth school he's been to because he keeps getting kicked out of schools because of his bullying.Oh no he is coming over to me I'm so scared Mike:Hey Chris have u done homework Chris:yes Mike I do Mike:good the bell range for math class we were have a math test today.Then I just remembered Mike sits next to me for every lesson now he's going to cheat of my paper in the test teacher:right sit down everyone today we have a test today Lilly can u had out the tests Lilly:yes miss Lilly hands out the tests
Everyone got there test papers teacher: ready set go after ten seconds I finished the first paper Mike:hey nerdy Chris give me ur test answers Chris:what no Mike:u have a chose I beat u up at lunch time or u give me ur answers Chris: okay fine I'll give u my answers but I just want to say one thing if u cheat u will never get ahead Mike:hahahahaha that sounds like what a nerd would say now give me ur answers now I show Mike my answers after 10 minutes we had to stop I finished my test and so did Mike but not everyone in the class finished teacher:Chris would u like to collect the tests papers Chris:yes please miss I collected all the papers then we had a test for reading literacy science and all are other subjects we have in the morning.Then it was lunchtime and I was not exited for lunch because every lunch time Mike takes my lunch Mike started walking up to me Mike: Hey nerdy Chris do u have my lunch Chris:yes today I packed tow lunches one for me one for I Mike: no I'll take them both Chris:but but but but but Mike:but but but what huh after both my lunch I'll will be ready to beat u up do be ready for that Chris: but u said u won't beat me up if I have u my answers on the test Mike: well I was just joking hahaha what u going to do about it I just walked away Mike: that's what I thought after Mike finishes his or my lunch he came up to me and said are you ready to get beat up I said no Mike: good because I don't care after he beat me up I had bruises all over me and I was bleeding I went to medical room they send me home when I got home my mum was shocked she said go to ur room and rest ur not going to school tomorrow I was really happy about good bye.

Written by Zobia Hussain

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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