blueberry pie

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Yoongi FaceTimed me late next morning.

"What do you want??" My groggy voice went through the speaker, and Yoongi chuckled.

He was already at home, and his hair was wet so I assumed he just finished showering.

"Wanted to se your ugly face." This dude.

"I swear I'm the only one who's a 10 here okay! And I don't know what you're saying about ugly face!" I yelled out at him, making me get up from my bed. "You have the audacity to call my handsome face ugly!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah keep thinking that." He yawned rolling his eyes.

"Pfft." I rolled my eyes as well. I paced my phone on my table, so Yoongi can see me and my body. "What time did you get to your house?"

"Around 10-ish, she gave me some cookies to go and then I ate something that my mom gave me. She said thanks for letting me stay at your house." He laughed. "I just hope my mom doesn't call your mom and check in. Then I'll be busted."

"You know I ain't gonna say anything." I said.

"I know you won't, yo though. I had a weird dream last night." His voice got higher.

"Huh what was it?" I asked.

"Well there were two parts, the first one I was in mud, wait wait wait, it was ink not mud. And I was covered with it and then all of a sudden a massive trunk was coming at me and then I started to fly and then I saw flying cats," He sounded cute when rambling. "Okay but that was the first part and then other part was, um well Madelyn was dead." Oh. "Like I was going to her house at night for some reason and the front door was already open, and the house was like burning hot and it seemed like no one was there and I walked up the stairs to her room and the door was shut tight. And I had to get a chair to break the door. And the lights were on though it wasn't dark. And there was like blood everywhere."

"Okay first of all, the flying cats seemed cool." I softly laughed. "But god the second part when kind of dark."

"Right!?" He gave a funny look, "I wanted to tell her, but I thought it would be weird if I told her she died in my dream... yeah know?"

"Yeah it would have been a little weird." I nodded, taking the phone downstairs to get a water bottle.

"Did your mom go to work today?" Yoongi had asked me.

"Yeah they called her in this morning." I was home alone, my dad always worked on Saturdays and it was on and off for my mom.

"Can I come over?" He shyly asked me.

I wondered why he wanted to come over, wouldn't that make his mom suspicious about him coming home from my house and then going back again in the same day?

"Your mom isn't home?" I hoped he knew what I was thinking.

"Yeah she isn't, you want to come over or should I come over?" There was a sly smirk at the corner of his lip.

"I don't know, I'm fine with either." I shrugged, I didn't really care.

"I'll just come over okay? I'ma get ready." Yoongi smiled.

"Ok then, bye." I said, and he said bye as well and I hanged up the call.

I couldn't help but notice the clear dent in Yoongi's sweat pants when he came into my living room. But of course I didn't mention it, and I looked else where.

"Hey." He waved.

"Hey," I tried not being awkward, but it was kind of hard not to.

"I need your help with something..." He softly said, rocking side or side. "No ones home right?"

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