Chapter 1- The Boy and the Angel:

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Sol Technologies database:

IGN006 knew he was different from other programmes. Its program was more complex than just basic coding and alcarythums found in his so-called-peers. From the point of his creation, he knew he was unique.

Unlike the others, he was the only one to possess a consciousness. This came as a gift and a curse. He had been floating through the servers of the virtual dueling system, commonly known as Link Vrains, as various amount of hackers and power-hungry individuals hunted him down for his abilities. 

Sometimes, he hated having free will. It was a burdern and had side-tracked him countless times from his prime objective; to find and protect his Origin. Granted, it had not been program in his first set of commands but had been placed inside his coding by a young boy who saved his Origin from a life of torture and starvation. Even if this wasn't done, he would have gone back to find his Origin, regardless. The boy was the only reason he even existed; the one thing that mattered most in this world. It was his job to protect him, although he knew he was failing.

The Ignus glared at the screen, scanning through the long list of log-ins made into Link Vrains within the last month. He growled, finding nothing. Anger bubbled through his tiny form; it had been six years and he still couldn't find the boy. It annoyed the Ignius to no end. It shouldn't be hard to track down one human among the masses, and yet, it seemed like an impossible task.

The purple, orange and black eye blinked again before he scanned back over the information presented to him. Not even one appearance seemed to be recorded.

He cursed.

This will not do.

If Sol Technologies does not possess any information on the boy's activities, then he had just wasted the past hour going through all their (regular employee access, it would take time to infiltrate the mainframe, and he doubted he had enough time left to try, before he is detected) data banks.

He sighed as he implanted a virus within the machine. It was time to change strategies. He would have to manually search for the (what he believed-to-be) teen.

IGN006 felt his body twitch involuntarily and he paused for a second. His form flickered slightly, but he forced himself to stay solid. He flinched when he felt his code being highlighted as a slight glow emitted from his pupil. The Ignis ran a diagnosis upon his programming and shivered. A cursor was placed at the end of his first line of coding and he immediately started to counteract it. This was not good. How had a hacker got into his system? 

He vaguely remembered that he allowed the firewall to drop as he entered the Sol Technologies system to avoid tripping any alarms to his presence. He worked harder. Whoever this was, it was working fast to bypass his code for information. He briefly wondered if the hacker thought he was part of Sol Technology's systems as he hurried towards the exit (via, the cable leading to the plug. It was the main way to get out of the building from his current position.) As soon as he was out and in the city's mains, he could reinstate his protection from malware and other things that might carry a virus or two.

A sigh of relief escaped his non-existent lips as he burst into the power lines high above the city streets. IGN006 felt his firewall snap back into place. He took pride in the knowledge that a human, out there, was raging about being ejected from his programming.


Den City- Main Square:

"No, NO, NO!" Came the shout as the dark-haired adult pounded his fists upon the desk, a look of anguish crossing his face. He glared at the middle computer screen which displayed an error box with only one option available, 'cancel.' Mournfully, he glanced over to the bottom of the screen, seeing the illegally installed Sol Server icon flash orange with a warning. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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