I care

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Warning:self harm.


Your POV

I was under the schools bleachers with a water bottle and a small knife. I was going to cut myself. Again. The water bottle was for to clean the blood away. I would have done it in the girls bathroom but there was workers in there, and I just couldn't wait any longer. I rolled up my school school jacket and seen the scars since last time I did it. I opened the water bottle then sat it beside me. I took the small knife and cut over my scars. I skipped class and thought that no one would find me since there in class or doing drugs or something. I thought wrong I seen someone from the school doors coming out I got the water bottle and put some water on the small bloody knife to try get the blood of while doing that I accidentally sliced my Hand. I got the blood of the knife but there wasn't enough time to get the blood of my wrists so I pulled my jumper down my arms I could feel the jumper fluff stick to my cuts. I could see the person now it was Leonardo Dicaprio I have a crush on him, but he's a dick so he'll probably tell the whole school I'm a depressed freak I never knew why I liked him I just did.

Leos POV

"What ya doing" I asked. I knew exactly what she was doing. I used to cut myself when I was nine because my dad used to hit my mum and I could do nothing about it, but my dads in jail now.

She scoffed "like you care" I knew she said that because I was a prick.

"I care" I said. Sitting down beside her we had a moment of silence it wasn't awkward tho. In the corner of my eye I seen a single tear roll day her cheek. I stopped the tear with my thumb she looked at me then looked back. I was about to roll up her jumper but she stopped me and stood up.

"Please I wanna help" I said looking up at her. She was about to grab her knife but I took it.

"I don't need your h-help" she said looking down at me.

"Can i take you to pops so we can talk about it please" I begged her.


Yes I used pops chock'lit shoppe from river dale. Should I make a part 2 to this story or just leave it here.

Leonardo DiCaprio ~ imagines/GIFSWhere stories live. Discover now