Part 1 out of.... (Let me know if you like this one!)

10 1 4

Word count: Around 950

Warnings: Minor swearing (if that counts)

Authors note: Let me know if you want a part two because I have a good ending in mind. As usual, you can always show me some kindness by voting on this story! Have a nice day!


You reached for your phone, answering the incoming call. "Who is this?" You asked. "I'm gonna need a tiny favor..." It was Damon. You started to panic.

Flashback from around 5 years ago:

"You need to just- Just leave Mystic Falls, (Y/N)." You looked up at Damon, tears filling your eyes. "W-why?" You stuttered. He looked into your eyes and grabbed your shoulders. "N-no! Damon, don't!" He started talking. "You're going to leave Mystic Falls and never come back. Forget about me... Forget about your life here."

He walked away, tears falling down his cheeks. He just compelled the love of his long life to leave and forget him because he was scared he would hurt you.

Around 2 years after that happened, you became a vampire and the compulsion wore off. You remembered everything. You remembered Damon and Stefan. You remembered your friends... You called Damon to let him know that you were safe, and stronger now, in hopes that he would let you come back, but he told you he had a new girlfriend and that he didn't have feelings for you anymore.

This hurt you so much, you became ruthless. Mean... You stopped caring for people, including yourself. You didn't care who you hurt or what you did anymore because it didn't matter to you.

Back to your phone call:

"What do you want?" You spat. "Look, (Y/N)... I-" You interrupted him. "Save it, Damon. What do you need?"

"W- well, I really don't know how to explain this. Can we meet up at my place? It's kinda... Urgent..." You sighed. "Yeah. Yeah. I'll be there in like 2 days if I drive." He agreed and hung up.

2 days later:

As you entered Mystic Falls you smiled at its beauty. It was nicer than you remembered. Calm... Happy...

Pulling up to the Salvatore Boarding Home, you sighed. "Okay. (Y/N). Keep it together."

You put on a fake smile and fixed your hair. You knocked on the door, and when it opened, you saw someone... Unfamiliar. "Who are you?" You asked. "Who are you?" He copied.

"Is Damon home? He said he needed me for-" The man stared at you. "Okay, just... Let me in?" He moved over so you could come in. "Thanks." You smiled, he smiled back.

"Damon! Get your slow ass down here!" You screamed, shocking the tall man standing next to you.

"I see you've met Kai," Damon says, making you jump a little. "Kai, this is... (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Kai Parker."

"Hey." He smiled awkwardly, trying to hide the blush on his face. "Hi."

"So what did you call me here for?" Damon looked at Kai. "Him. I need you to help... Control him.. Or something." You looked at Damon. "You called me here to... Babysit?" You laughed in a mocking tone.

"He looks like a grown man... Why would he need a babysitter?" You questioned. "Well, (Y/N). He's a sociopath with murderous tendencies. You seem to have grown into that description pretty well... So I figured... Bonding?"

You vamp sped to Damon, pinning him to the wall. Letting your vampirism show. "Watch how you talk to me before I rip your limbs off your body and feed them to you one by one." You threatened. "I like her. She's got spice." Kai commented, earning a look from Damon. "Will you do it or not?" Damon spat.

"I'll do it. Just- I don't want you near me." You responded. He nodded. "Be good." He poked Kai in the chest and sped out of the house.

"What's your deal with him?" Kai asked. "Long story." You sighed, walking to the kitchen. Kai followed behind you. You grabbed a blood bag and hopped up on the counter. "So... Tell me about yourself." You smiled. "Well, I'm Kai. My real name is Malachai..." He frowned. "Pretty name." He looked at you.

"Really?" He asked. "Yeah... I like it."

You two had been talking for around an hour. "But people think I'm evil..." He explained. You interrupted him. "You're not evil, Malachai. You're misunderstood. Just like me." He looked up at you. "Can I tell you something?" He nodded. "Damon forced me to leave Mystic Falls around 5 years ago. I was human, and he compelled me. I was in love with him... A couple of years after that, I got turned. I remembered everything. I called Damon to tell him that I was stronger and that I would be safe with him, but he told me he fell in love with another woman, and that he didn't have feelings for me anymore. He broke my heart. An so, I became ruthless and... Evil... If you will... As a way to express my anger... And now I'm here, babysitting a 22-year-old man because Damon has a funny way of cleaning up his messes." You laughed, but Kai didn't.

He looked at you, pity filling his eyes. "No, no... Don't look at me like that- You've had it way worse."

You cupped his face in your hands. You both made eye contact with each other for a slight second before you stood up.

"I- I'm gonna go take a nap or... Something... Uh- Please don't try to kill me or anything while I'm asleep."

"Wouldn't dream of it, sweetheart." Your stomach fluttered at the nickname. A smile spread across your face as you walked upstairs to a guest room in the big house.

You sat on the edge of the guest room bed and took a deep breath. "I think I'm falling for Kai Parker..." You mumbled to yourself, laying down on the bed.

"Did I hear that right?"

"Son of a bitch..." 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2021 ⏰

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